Birth & Death
- Carl Jung’s hardships gave him a renewed focus on academics after he was said to have epilepsy at age 12. He was very isolated as a person and most happy when he was left along to ponder his thoughts.In 1913,Jung had withdrawal from outside activities with a state of disorientation. In 1944, he had a mild heart attack and foot fracture which made him quit all lectures.
- Jung is considered the father of analytic psychology. Jung’s work profoundly influenced and informed the work of others. However, most of his fame was gained by his work with Freud.
- Carl Gustav Jung was born in Kesswil, Switzerland on July 26th 1875 to father Paul Achilles Jung, a pastor, and mother Emilie Preiswerk.
- June 6th 1961, in Kusnach Switzerland, Professor Carl Gustav Jung died at his villa in Lake Lucerne. The 85 years old, was beset by heart and circulatory troubles and began to fail.
- Collective Unconscious:Jung believed the human psyche exists in three parts: the ego (the conscious mind), the personal unconscious and the collective unconscious. Jung believed the collective unconscious was a reservoir of all the experience and knowledge of the human species.
- Dream Interpretation: He believed that dreams interpret the things one encounters in his/her everyday life.
- Archetypes:primordial image
- Alchemy:reflections & memories
- Synchronicity:dreams vs. reality
- In 1902, he completed his doctoral dissertation, "On the Psychology and Pathology of So-Called Occult Phenomena" and graduated from University of Basel with a medical degree.
- Jung started to develop his own ideas that diverged from Sigmund Freud's views based on dreams, myth, art and philosophy and not necessarily sex.
- Jung formed 'Analytical Psychology'.
- A training institute was built conduct research in Analytical Psychology and psychotherapy founded by Professor Jung.
Interesting Aspects
- Jung coined the terms introvert and extravert.
- Jung’s personality theory contributed to the Myers-Briggs inventory.
- Jung wrote what the New York Times called “the Holy Grail of the Unconscious.”
- Do you think that Carl Jung was inspired by Freud or did he use Freud?
- Do you think that his isolation made him the person he was?
- Do you think he is inspiring?
Carl Jung
The Psychologist