Hint: See images below
There is a MASSIVE amount of communication needed to get a film rolling. Every department needs to know what needs to be produced and by when. Coordination is key- if a prop, costume, crane or actor isn't on set when you're ready to roll on a scene, you just can't shoot the shot!
More importantly, you can't effectively budget a film until you've identified what you need. If it's a paying gig, it's even more important- if you go over budget, it's coming out of your pocket.
You can also create a document known as Day out of Days-
it tells you who or what is needed and on which days during the entire production.
First things First:
Break up the script into Scenes. If you've already done that (or your script formatting program has for you), get out your colored pencils.
Yes, colored pencils.
Draw a big line in between each scene in the script, seperating them on the page.
Identify ALL Elements
Highlight them with the Colored Pencils
This means anything that will be needed to shoot. Stuff like:
- Cast (RED)
- Vehicles / Animals(PINK)
- Props (PURPLE)
- Stunts (ORANGE)
- Special Effects (BLUE)
- Hair and Make-UP (*)
- Wardrobe (Circle)
- Extras (GREEN)
- Special Equipment (BOX)
- Actors
- Vehicles / Animals
- Props
- Stunts
- Special Effects (FX)
- Hair and Make-Up
- Wardrobe
- Extras
- Special Equipment
Now you're ready to plug that info into a breakdown sheet...
yes, there's more work.
Breaking Down a Script
Breaking down a script is the process of logging each significant element needed for the production of a scene. Stuff like:
- Cast
- Costumes
- Special Effects (FX)
- Cars
- Stunts
- Special Equipment
- the list goes on...
Now if you're really organized,
you turn all of these sheets into a ONELINER...
All of this goes in your Production Binder- it's your Bible.
It should contain:
- the latest version of the script
- the schedule, oneliner and DOODs
- EVERYONE'S contact info- cast, crew, location owners, vehicle owners, emergency contacts- anyone needed
- any permits
- any contracts or agreements
It MAY contain:
- storyboards / overheads
- location photos
- business cards
- neighborhood filming notice flyers
- extra paper for notes, battle plans, maps, lunch orders, ect.