2nd Wave Feminism
1st Wave Feminism
- First wave feminism happened in July 1848 when the women were fighting for the right to vote, or women's suffrage
- This wave happened primarily in United Kingdom, the United States, Netherlands, and Canada
- Because of this movement, on 1920, the Congress ratified the 19th Commandment, granting the women right to vote
- It resulted in many advantages for women, the right to vote, the ability to go to college and even in some countries, the ability to get a divorce
- In response to discrimination against women in every aspect of American life
- Focused on more varieties of issues: sexuality, women in workplace, family
- Women's Liberation Movement
- Motivation for women and there was a rise in women job gains in the professions, military, media, and sports
- 'successful' -- the matter is brought up to the public
- Drew attention to domestic violence and marital rape
- "A woman needs a man like a fish needs bicycle" - Gloria Steinem
Suffragists marching for the women's vote
We might have answers.
3rd Wave Feminism
Philosophy 101
Group Project 1
Abigail Purnapuspita
Annabel Brennan
Carolyn Budiana
Darya Golubovskaya
- Goals of 3rd wave of feminism include defending reproductive rights, sex positivity, keeping gender equality and abolishing gender roles, stereotypes and inaccurate media portrayals
- These feminists do not oppose pornography or sex, but rather keep an open mind and look at sexuality as a positive aspect of life
- They emphasize transgender right issues as an important and a very real problem in our society
- They also pay attention to women's workplace issues such as respect toward single working mothers and less judgement that is often directed to working pregnant women
What is
- Giardina, C. (2010). Freedom for women: Forging the Women's Liberation Movement, 1953-1970. Gainesville, Fla.: University Press of Florida.
- Wang, Y. (2011). "False Equality: A Critique of Third Wave Feminism."
- Steptoe, Sonja. (2004). "10 Questions for Gloria Steinem." Time Magazine 28 Mar.
4th Wave Feminism
4th Wave Feminism
- Post-feminism world?
- No 'real' literature = No fourth wave
- Argument for new wave feminism first brought up on May 2005 by Pythia Peay with her article "Feminism's Fourth Wave"
- In 2011, Jennifer Baungardner reiterated this by saying that the fourth wave started in 2008
- Major focuses: reproductive justice, plus-sized fashion support, transgenderism support, sex work acceptance, online misogyny, body shaming, 'slut' shaming, street harassment and workplace discrimination
- Takes the social activism of the second wave and brings it to social media (i.e. #YesAllWomen)
- Notable causes: Everyday Sexism Project (2012), #YesAllWomen (2014), HeforShe (2014)
- 'War on Women'
- "You can be passionate about women's rights and still read Cosmo, have porn-inspired sex and do whatever the hell you want. That's what this fourth wave of feminism is all about -- down-to-earth equality that lets you make your own mind up."- Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett and Holly Baxt