What Are Sea Pigs?
- They belong to a species of Sea Cucumbers
- Phylum: Echinodermata
- Scientific Name: Scotoplanes globosa
- Are no way related to the mammal Pig
- They fully grow up to 4-6 inches
- Broadcast spawning
- Males and females release their gonads into the water
- When the sperm and the eggs meet, it settles down in an area where resources for a Sea Pig's survival is present
Life Cycle
- Sea Pigs are born within a group of 10 eggs from the female
- Gestation period: 366 days
- Hatchlings weigh around 152kg
- New born Pigs are called "chicks," full grown Pigs are called "bears."
- Can live up to 72-78 years
Sea Pigs;
The Bacon of the Sea?
- Deep Sea Dwellers
- Spends most of its time wandering with a pack of hundreds in search of food
- ingests only FRESH food (rich sediments)
- the types of foods that fall down to the ocean floor are affected by El Nino
How do they act?
- They behave mostly like slugs
- Communities of Sea Pigs all gather around an area of abundant rich sediments
- 3.7 miles below the ocean surface
A pack of Sea Pigs, searching for food
- Sea Pigs are deposit or detrital feeders
- eats nutritional substances that fall down to the ocean floor
- i.e. sea snow or a dead whale carcass
- Relies on the sense of smell to find food
- faces the direction of the ocean current at most times
- Sea Pigs are loving and caring creatures
- When threatened by a predator, they group up together with their pack to protect others
- In the Paris Zoo, a death of a chick caused the two Sea Pig parents to be depressed, not bathing themselves and causing them to be filthy
They are commonly found in the oceans of Antarctica
- Sea Pigs have been studied by scientists for over 100 years
- Hjalmar Théel (1882)
- zoologist
- discovered Sea Pigs on an expedition journey (1872-1876)
- HMS Challenger ship
- discovered 64 more new species
Works Cited
- Inhabited in the deepest and coldest waters on earth
- can be found as deep as 3.7 miles in an ABYSS
- the deepest point of the Grand Canyon is only 1.1 miles
- http://www.strangeanimals.info/2011/10/sea-pigs.html
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1314184/Sea-pigs-The-ugliest-creature-beneath-waves.html
- http://echinoblog.blogspot.com/2009/07/because-you-demanded-it-sea-pig-aka.html
- http://www.wired.com/2014/06/the-creature-feature-10-fun-facts-about-sea-pigs/
- http://seapigs.tripod.com/lifecycle.htm
Feeds with the aid of their tentacles around their mouth
By Virgilio Tan
Marine Bio-01
Body Features
- Their bodies are covered with "walking legs" that inflate with water when submerged
- The antennae aren't antennas, they're also feet
- Parasites live in their skins
- i.e. small snails, crustaceans
Sea Snail burrowed inside of the Sea Pig