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My family is 5
Astle, B. J. & Barton, S., (2010). Culture and Ethnicity. In J. C. Ross-Kerr & M. J. Wood, Canadian fundamentals of nursing (Rev. 4th ed.) (pp. 127-130). Toronto, ON: Mosby.
Cameron, B. L., Plazas, M. C., Salas, A. S., Bearskin, R. B., & Hungler, K. (2014). Understanding Inequalities in Access to Health Care Services for Aboriginal People. Advances In Nursing Science, 37(3), E1-e16. doi:10.1097/ANS.0000000000000039
Cobiness, E. (1978). My family is 5 [Online image]. Retrieved February 18, 2015 from
Health Canada. (2014). First Nations and Inuit Health. Retrieved from:
Kuutsiq, M. (n.d). Inuit life [Online image]. Retrieved from:
Smith, D.G. (2011). Religion of Aboriginal People. Retrieved from:
Shaman's charm [Online image]. (2007). Retrieved February 16, 2015 from
Shaman's necklace [Online image]. (2007). Retrieved February 16, 2015 from
Shaman's rattle [Online image]. (2007). Retrieved February 16, 2015 from
Statistics Canada. (2013). The Daily — Study: Select health indicators of First Nations people living off reserve, Métis and Inuit, 2007 to 2010. Retrieved from:
Tsimshian Shaman curing boy [Online image]. (2007). Retrieved February 16, 2015 from
Qimirpik, P. (2014). Family going home [Online image]. Retrieved from:
Whitehead, J. (1996). Untitled [Online image]. Retrieved Februrary 18, 2015 from
Wright, S., Nebelkopf, E., King, J., Maas, M., Patel, C., & Samuel, S. (2011). Holistic System of Care: Evidence of Effectiveness. Substance Use & Misuse, 46(11), 1420-1430.
(First peoples of Canada, 2007)
8 to 10 times higher than the rates of the general population (Statistics Canada, 2013)
2 times higher than non-Aboriginal population (Statistics Canada, 2013)
38% of Aboriginal clients use intravenous drugs while only 7% of non-Aboriginal clients are users (Astle & Barton, 2010)
(First peoples of Canada, 2007).
(Cobiness, 1978).
3 to 5 times higher, according to location, than non-Aboriginal communities (Health Canada, 2014)
(First peoples of Canada, 2007).
Aboriginal youth commit suicide 5 to 6 times more than non-Aboriginal youth (Astle & Barton, 2010)
1.5 times higher than the general population (Health Canada, 2014)
An important social determinant of health
Not just about obtaining health services but also about how healthcare is delivered
Is healthcare easily accessible to Aboriginal people?
Family and community are important for Aboriginal people
due to the amount of health inequalities they have compared to non-Aboriginal people
(Qimirpik, 2014)
(Kuutsiq, n.d)
The delivery of care that focuses on the interconnection of the body, mind, emotion, spirit, social, cultural, relationships, and environment.
It sees the person as a whole and honors and encourages the integration of the traditional and cultural beliefs of Aboriginal people into their health and recovery (Wright, Nebelkopf, King, Maas, Patel & Samuel, 2011)
Develop cultural safety workshops that allow others and oneself to act with sensitivity and competence towards other cultures
Holistic care for Aboriginal people requires the family and the community to work together to achieve balance of the body, mind, emotion, and spirit (Cameron, Plazas, Salas, Bearskin & Hungler, 2014).
to ensure the sustainability of culturally safe environments (Cameron, Plazas, Salas, Bearskin & Hungler, 2014)