5S: Its all about workplace organisation:
An easily identified place for everything, and everything its place, clean, safe, and ready for use.
Sustain and improve activities through employee involvement
- 5S is the responsibility of everyone
- 5S always addresses safety issues immediately
- 5S uses the power of the team – everyone is an expert
- 5S is an attitude of mind as well as a practical tool
- 5S is continuous, don't rely on one day events
Tools to help sustain are:
Photos and Storyboards
Regular audits and reviews
Inter departmental tours
Regular discussion & ownership of your work area
Think of how to make it work, not why it won't!
- To eliminate any dirt, grime or dust from the work areas
- To set a precedent for the future, one big clean up will reduce the time
- needed in the future to clean the area.
- It is everybody's responsibility to visually and physically inspect the area
- all the time, and if necessary clean the area
- The continual daily shine will prevent the need to ‘Blitz’ the area
- Embed the habits of 5S into daily routine by:
- Establishing and agreeing standards that everyone works to.
- Making the standard such that anyone can join the section and quickly work to it.
- Using visual controls
- Take ‘After’ pictures from the same location to set the new standards
Set in Order Principles
5S office environment
“A place for everything & everything in its place”
Provide a clearly designated area or location for each item used in the
work area.
Set in Order is a highly visual way of ensuring items are easily accessible
for use & put away after use
‘Sort’ must be completed before ‘Set in Order’ can commence
Set in order ensures:
The workplace should be furnished with only what is needed and only when needed.
Sort Rules
- Classify all items by:
- Function: where are they used?
- Frequency of use: Hourly, Daily, Weekly, monthly
- Define rules:
- Remove all obsolete items
- Appropriate storage areas for non obsolete items
- Label all non obsolete items
5S on the factory floor
5S is a foundational building block of Lean and a powerful tool in identifying any of the 8 wastes