Preferences Examples
- Some countries are known for producing a specific good (watches made in Switzerland, wine made in France).
- Goods will be more/less popular based for cultural reasons.
- Similar cultures are usually targeted first.
- The brand & product must be recognizable in the target market.
- Is the brand well known around the world?
- How much promotion is necessary to introduce & launch the product?
- Will the advertising be appropriate for the target market?
- Can technology make it easier to promote the product?
International Business
Promotion Examples
- Are the preferences of the target country similar to markets where the product has already succeeded?
- Do consumers already use a comparable product?
- Will consumers recognize & appreciate the brand?
- Companies will have to alter their marketing to suit the country.
- Advertising must be effective & appropriate for the market.
- To foster demand, companies have to create awareness for their products across the world.
- Global brands are popular in many countries & cultures.
- Are the product & resources used plentiful in the home country?
- Are the product & resources used scarce in the target country?
- Does the product suit the target market?
This advertisement withdrawn after it was found to be offensive to Mexican citizens.
Product Examples
Case Study
Price Examples
- Each country has different natural resources (petroleum, lumber, precious metals).
- Some goods are only available on a seasonal basis in a certain area (fruit, agriculture).
- Some products are unique to a region (New Zealand honey, Kobe beef, Quebec maple syrup, B.C. Western Red Cedar).
- The product must be usable in the target country (winter clothing in a tropical area will not fit, but sandals will).
- Companies choose to produce goods where costs are lowest.
- Costs include: raw materials, production, management, labour, shipping, taxes.
- It’s also important that the cost is similar to what competitors charge.
- Transportation, tariff & taxes will add to the price.
- Is it possible to make additional products at a reasonable cost?
- Is it cost effective to ship the product to the market?
- Are there any laws or tariffs that affect the product?
- Is the price required comparable with those charged by competitors?
- What are the costs (wages, materials) of the target country?
Canada Goose has been attempting to expand beyond North America in recent years.
5 Factors for Success in International Business
- Product
- Price
- Proximity
- Preference
- Promotion
Canada Goose is trying to grow the business outside of Canada.
Proximity Examples
- Geographic neighbours make good trading partners.
- Both partners negotiate trade agreements and maintain efficient shipping routes (U.S./Canada border crossing, shipping within Europe).
- Does Canada Goose have a suitable product to sell overseas?
- How has the international expansion gone in recent years?
- Based on the 5Ps, what would be a good country to target?
- Shipping costs & logistics may add time & expense to the product.
- Some items may go bad or become damaged if shipped far.
Global Marketplace
- Is the target country near the home country?
- Is the culture similar to the home country?
- Can the product be shipped quickly & inexpensively?
International Business Review
All countries benefit when businesses produce specialized goods & services that appeal to consumers.
International trade provides choice: to consumers who may buy a variety of products & to businesses who can choose from diverse markets to sell their products.
Learning Goal
Explain the 5Ps required for success in International Business.