Disaster From Sulfanilamide Elixir
- In the early 1930s, the sulfonamide chemical group was discovered to have potential as an antibacterial drug.
- "Sulfanilamide Elixir" was developed using the solvent Diethylene Glycol
- The Pure Food and Drug Law was amended in 1937 so that final products had to be tested for toxicity and apply for a new drug application before they could be marketed
- The Elixir Sulfanilamide tragedy proved an important catalyst in pushing regulatory pharmaceutical legislation through Congress
- The Elixir was distributed in the Fall of 1937, advertised as a cure for hemolytic streptococcal infections
- The first six deaths related to use of the drug were reported in Oct. of 1937-
- Further investigation found Diethylene Glycol was the deadly agent
- In all, 76 deaths were confirmed as a result of poisoning from Elixir Sulfanilamide which led to kidney failure
- Victims had primarily been seeking treatment for sore throats