Work cited
- s., Shomari. "Athletes as role models. " Ebony May 2008 : 20+. General OneFile. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.
- . "Introduction to Are Athletes as role models? : At issue." Are Athletes Good Role Models? Ed. Geoff Griffen. San Diego : Greenhaven press, 2005. At issue. Opposing Veiwpoints in context. WEb. 19 Nov. 2013.
Athletes As Role Models
Role Models
Role models
- Athletes are role models even if they want to or not
- no matter what many athletes do out side the sport the people will find away to look past it.
- no one is perfect
- everyone will mess up or do something wrong once in their life
Role Models
- For example Kobe Bryant. One year later during the summer of 2003, Kobe Bryant was charged with raping a young women.
- Just weeks after his indictment, Bryant was named "Favorite Male Athlete". in the teen choice awards
- Many of the votes may have come before Bryant was charged with rape When he showed up to the awards he received more applause from a mostly teen crowed than any other winner.
- But the fact that they gave high honors to a rape suspect that they put all that aside to choose their favorite athlete.
- many kids watch their favorite Player in the sport they love.
- Wanting to play the same sport as the athlete they look up to.
- there are many sports kids have to choose from. that gives them many great athletes that come with that sport
- changing their lives for the better like the athlete that they look up to. many of the athletes also came from a bad or rough life
- every sport can take you on an adventure
- as a kid you are always pretending they are in the pros playing in the biggest game of their lives.
- Kids are always watching some type of sport.
- Many kids play sports all kinds of sports Basketball, football, tennis, and soccer.
- some kids come from a bad and rough life.
love for a sport
- There are many sports but there is only one that you truly love
- like basketball, tennis, baseball, football, volleyball, of track.
What is a role model
Role Models
- many people look past thing that the athlete have done out side of their sport and just look at what they do in the sport.
- "athletes are role models even if they want to or not ".
- many kids look up to them for what they do and what they have accomplished in their game
- A role model is some one that people look up to
- A role model is some one that is trying to make a change in the lives of people to make it better.
- Role models are the people and athletes that are always trying and will never give up no matter what the problem is
- They dream about playing in the biggest game for their sport like for Basketball its the NBA Championships, For Tennis its Wimbledon and the U.S open For Football its the Super Bowl.
- every kid wants to some day play in one of these big games.
- many kids dream that one day they will be like their favorite athlete that they have looked up to for so many years.
- "Fortunate and Unfortunately". many kids will never reach their dream of being like their role model.