Poor Clare's of Santa Barbara, California
Briauna Ramirez
Christian Lifestlyes (D)
February 28th, 2013
Stages of a Poor Clare
They go through a process known as formation. Formation is a lifelong process as the nun continues her daily and hourly response to the call of Christ, her Bridegroom
- Postulancy—one full year
- Noviceship—one to two years
- Simple temporary vows—three years
Daily Life of a Poor Clare
General Requirements
- The Poor Clare day is one of “ora et labora,” the monastic blend of “prayer and work.”
- The day begins in the middle of the night
- They lift their voices in prayer
- Eucharistic Celebration
- Prays the full Liturgy of the Hours each day
- Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is an integral part of the daily horarium
- Nun works in contemplative silence doing things such as working in the monastery kitchen, sewing room, or garden.
- Single Catholic woman
- 18–30 years of age
- Basic good health
- Emotional maturity Free of financial obligations
The Poor Clares of Santa Barbara, California
The Poor Clare nuns of Santa Barbara follow the Colettine observance which includes:
—Bare feet
—Mendicancy (the state of being beggars)
—Perpetual fast
—Strict enclosure
—Traditional habit
—Night rising for The Liturgy of the Hours
- The Poor Clares of Santa Barbara were founded in August 1928 and are situated just one block from Old Mission Santa Barbara.
- The Franciscan Friars at Old Mission Santa Barbara serve as chaplains, confessors, and spiritual directors, and are a fraternal support to the community just as St. Francis and St. Clare desired them to be.
- The Poor Clare Nuns constitute the second branch of the Franciscan Order, founded in the thirteenth century by St. Clare under the inspiration and guidance of St. Francis of Assisi.
- As contemplatives, Poor Clare nuns observe the Gospel life lived within the bounds of papal enclosure.
- To the three ordinary vows of religion: obedience, poverty and chastity, the Poor Clare nun adds a fourth vow of enclosure.
- “The form of life of the Order of the Poor Sisters which the blessed Francis founded is this: to observe the holy Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.”—Rule of St. Clare
Who are the Poor Clares?