Conflict Resolution Pyramid
Trouble in Paradise
Call in the Mediator
If you were not able to resolve the conflict as a team, feel free to use the manager/supervisor as a mediator. Sometimes, having someone else involved can help both parties get their point(s) across. As a team, we may not know how to communicate effectively when emotions are involved.
Constructive Criticism
Clear the Air
Offer advice in the form of constructive criticism. When you offer an alternative to that persons current process versus only telling them that they aren't doing somthing right, they are more willing to accept your idea.
You may want to recap what you both discussed and agree to the resolution, if you were able to come to one. If you were able to agree to disagree, be sure that this is clear and that the working relationship will not be compromised because of this conclusion. If not, proceed to the next step.
Accept them for who they are!
Stay on the Same Page
Once you have identified the issue that caused the conflict, and both have had the opportunity to address the conflict, accept what was provided and prepare to move on. If you hold on to this conflict, you will not successfully work together as a team from this point on.
Once both parties are afforded an opportunity to share their input on the situation, you should be sure to focus on the issue at hand. Sometimes, when we are addressing one issue, we tend to think back to other that may or may not relate to the current issue.
How Would You Feel?
Plan of Attack
Once you identfiy the real problem at hand, you should devise a plan of attack. A good idea would be to meet privately with this person and discuss what you have identfied and see if they are able to offer some explanation.
Once you are able to place yourself in that persons shoes, you then need to evaluate how you would feel. Understanding the feelings you would have within this situation will help you relate to this person. Once you are able to relate, you can clearly identify the real problem at hand.
Put Yourself in their Shoes
Don't Assume the Worst
Start with the assumption that this conflict isn't due to a personal issue. Going into this with a neutral mindset allows you to clearly identify the real issue.
Take the time to understand the scope of this persons responsibilities. If you were in this situation, you'd like someone to give you that same respect. Sometimes, conflicts arise because someone wasn't able to hold up their side of the bargain. If this is the case, you may want to evaluate their work load and take that into consideration when confronting them.