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The Ten Commandments

6. You Shall Not Murder

Don't ever kill anyone

7. You Shall Not Commit Adultery

don't do sexual things to someone who is notyour wife

4. Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.

5. Honor your father and your mother.

8. You Shall Not Steal

Go to Church every sunday

show respect to your parents

You shall not take anyone's property without rights

9. You Shall Not Bear False Witness Against your neighbors

2. You shall not make idols.

10. You Shall Not Covet

1. You shall have no other gods before Me.

3. You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.

we have to stop having jealousy for someone or something thet they have and we don't

The only idol you are allowed to have is Jesus

There can only be one god 'Jesus'

You cannot say 'jesus' without a reason

don't lie for defending yourself against your own neighbours

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