3. Ask God that we might rely on each other in the Lord.--vs.4
Notice: Confidence in the character of God not our own efforts
4. Ask God that all obstacles to spiritual growth be removed.--vs.5
Direct=a military term to clear a path and set a direction
Not everyone has faith=saving faith
Salvation is a gift given by God to us and received by faith.
Not all who profess faith possess saving faith
Strengthen=firm and unchanging...God is the one who strengthens us!
Protect=great big bear hug!
Reality: Evil will always present, but so is the LORD and He is bigger, stronger and because Christ defeated evil at the cross, it's defeated and we win!
4 Things to Pray about for your Church
- Pray that the Word of Jesus would RUN
- Pray that the Word of Jesus would be rejoiced in and received.
1. Ask God that His Word would be effective--vs.1
Pray=present active verb=keep on praying
I don't just go to church I am the church
2 Cor.12:27 Now you are the body of Christ, and individually members of it
Big Idea:
Ask that God's will be done in His church and my life
2. Ask God to protect church leaders and church members--vs.2-3
Thom Rainer: “a trap is something that is set intentionally. It means that the devil has devised a plan to bring the pastor down. He has set a trap…the nature of the trap will be temptation where the pastor’s reputation is harmed.” I am a church member…pg.49
1 Tim.3:7--the elder must have a good reputation among outsiders, so he doesn't fall into disgrace and the devil's trap.
2 Cor.10:4
The weapons of our warfare are not weapons of this world. Instead they have divine power to demolish strongholds.
Prayer is:
- the way we walk by faith
- our lifeline
- A powerful weapon
I will pray for my church
2 Thessalonians 3:1-5
2 Ways Clear a way into:
1. God's love=set our minds or hearts on God's Love.
2. Become like Jesus in his perseverance=bearing up under a heavy load.
I will pray for my church!
- Mary Fee--recovery in hospital and encouragement
- Lil Gendron's brother--broken ribs from fall
- Dan Price's brother Randy--showing improvements with cancer treatment
- Dan Dore--parents health and his heart issues
- Sara Vieno--air pocket in heart
- Leaders--wisdom and protection
- To help us grow in our faith together
- To help us lean on God's faithfulness
- For unity amidst diversity
- Search for associate pastor
- For missionaries and church planters