Major Similarity? Very important in the development of cultures
The Mississippi River has played major roles in the economic and historical development of the U.S. and North America, and the world would not be the same without it.
Down the Mississippi:
A Study of the Geographical, Economical and Historical Importance of the Mississippi River
By Jacob Eckmann
St. Paul
- Fourth longest river in World
- Largest river in North America
- Starts in Minnesota, goes to Gulf of Mexico
- Length of 2,530 miles long
- Has many tributaries
- Mississippi Embankment is an area of fertile soil in south-central Mississippi area
- Mississippi River Basin- Area the river drains in to.
- Very meandering
- Fourth longest river in World
- 2nd Longest river in World
- 11th highest discharge levels
- Fifth largest basin in World
- Largest river basin in World
- Multitude of biomes around it
- Has own biome around it- Amazon Rainforest
- Chief river in largest river system in North America
- Begins in Minnesota, flows to Gulf of Mexico
- Length of 2,530 miles
- Defines borders of 10 states.
- Many tributaries
- South and central area- land is Mississippi Embayment
- Area with extremely fertile soil
- Sediment has been washed on shore
- Mississippi drains through the country through the Mississippi River Basin
- Very important to development of countries
St. Louis
- Very important in Civil War
- Side in control of river had advantage
- Military products and troops transported- major industry
- Supplies transported to military bases like:
- Ammunition, food, weapons
- Paid troops money to ride ships
- Supported many industries
- Construction, Military, Machinery
- Steel from Pennsylvania to all over county
- Coal in great loads from around Pennsylvania
- Glass for major building projects
- Mississippi very important in construction
- Commercial travel- another major industry
Little Rock
New Orleans
- The Steamboat Era
- Period of time with steam ships
- First ship to travel lower portion- The New Orleans
- Occured in December of 1811
- Steamboat remained major industry until early 1900's
- Major figure of this era- Mark Twain
- Talked about life on Mississippi
- Siege of Vicksburg
- City on river
- Held under siege by North
- Surrendured on July 4th, 1863
- Pivotal in eventual Union victory
- Each side wasn't necessarily wrong in thinking
- War was actually over State's rights more than slavery
- South had something to fight for, while North didn't necessarily have something
- Slight opinions still exist today
- Small but present animosity between South and North
- Civil War Importance
- Both sides wanted control of river
- Whichever did could transport troops and supplies further
- Just keep fighting inwards- take over cities around Mississippi
- Could gain control of pivotal cities
- One of most major battles occured with the Mississippi