- exaggerated, abnormal, or bizarre
Baroque Compositions (continued)
- Early - polyphony; late - homophony
- Florentine Camerata: group dedicate to reviving ancient Greece musical tradition
- Homophony!
Baroque Composers
- G.F. Handel
- J.S. Bach
- Purcell
- Vivaldi
Music performed at
- courts
- public concert halls
- Diatonic (chromaticism for emotion)
- Early - free rhythms; late - vigorous rhythms
- Doctrine of Affections
- Union of text and music
- One emotion throughout work
Listening Quiz
- Virtuosos
- Remarkable skill on instrument
- Improvements to instruments
- Much attention given to instrumental music
Baroque Compositions
Examples of Elaboration
Baroque Orchestra
(Protestants vs. Catholics)
- Exploration and colonization of New World
- Absolute monarchy
- Rise of middle-class culture
- Music-making centered in the home
Key Points
Baroque Era - 1600-1750