- Land lady
- Children waiting in line
- Gonga the ape
- Waitress at the Paris Diner
- Man with the comics
- The couple on the rock
Enoch Emery
Objective: to apply for a circus job
Lives In
Interactions with Others
an area near a drugstore, a movie theater, the Paris Diner; walking distance from Victory theater on 57th street and close to a pine thicket and a rock with a good view
Work Experience
"Rodemill Boys' Bible Academy" -111
- motivated vs. insecure
- gullible vs. suspicious
- fearful vs. trusting
Age 4 - "his father had brought him home a tin box from the penitentiary" -109
Character Traits
- dynamic
- adapts quickly to new situations
- tragic flaw
- unconventional
- physical appearance
- mindset
- "Dark glasses" -108
- "broken off the ends of his two front teeth" -109
- "a black stick with a sharp steel point at one end and a dog's head at the other" -112
- "a look of awakening" -113
- "his face working with envy" -114
- "lean white legs" -115
- "shaggy figure" -116
- "hideous and black, with its hand extended" -116
Images Used
- http://static.vecteezy.com/system/resources/previews/000/094/268/original/vector-retro-style-circus-background-illustration.jpg
- https://www.simplyfancydress.co.uk/images/products/generic/medium/80146.jpg