Purdue School of Engineering + Technology
Office of Career Services
When do employers recruit students?
How do I get experience?
Recruiting for summer internships starts in the fall. If you wait until after fall semester to start looking, you may be too late for some companies.
About Career Services
Campus Involvement = Leadership Experience
(May vary by industry/discipline)
What do employers look for?
Bobbi Dankert
Mechanical Engineer working with Career Services
Purdue School of Engineering and Technology- IUPUI
IUPUI has a decentralized model for Career Services.
Get involved in and out of the classroom!
Fall Semester : Recruiting starts
Fall Midterms: Offers extended
Winter break: Offers are either declined or accepted
Co-operative Education (aka: Co-ops)
About Career Services
Gaining Experience
The Hiring Process + How we can help!
Q & A
Get a part-time job or internship!
What does that mean for you?
Develop a game plan while you are pursuing
your degree. Be strategic.
Spring Midterms: Offers extended
Spring Semester: Recruiting starts for soon to be graduates and any left over internship positions
Why are internships and co-ops the #1 thing employers look for in candidates?
What is an internship?
What is a Co-Op?
Summer: Full time and internship positions start
Like an internship, but with rotations
Semester 1: School full time
Semester 2: Work full time
Semester 3: School full time
Internship: is a supervised pre-professional learning experience that allows students to apply their skills and knowledge in a professional setting. The student has intentional learning goals and reflects actively on what he or she is learning throughout the experience.
Characteristics Include:
One experience offered at a time, could lead to interning more than once
"Learning agenda” , not just a part time job
May be part-time or full-time
May be paid or non-paid
May be for academic credit or not
"Traditional" Co-ops = 3-5 rotations
New trend: "One rotation co-ops." If this rotation happens in the summer it will not interfere with your fall/spring semester.
E & T Internships are usually paid. 2016-2017 students on average made $16/hr.
Some majors require an internship, but ALL majors have the option to receive academic credit.
The Hiring Process
Step #2: Apply
Step #4 Get Offer(s)
Step #3 Interview
1. Find Jobs
Step #5 Negotiate
Don't do this.
Step #1 Find Jobs
2. Apply for Jobs
Learn how to negotiate! Ask us!
Cover Letter
Verbal followed by written offer
Includes: salary, bonus, benefits, vacation, start date, supervisor, title
Deadline to respond / who to send your response to
Career Fairs
Where do I look for jobs?
3. Interview
Part-Time Job Fair
Industrial Roundtable
STEM Career Fair
FAll Internship Fair
Construction Management Career Fairs
IUPUI Career Fair
Career Sites
Company Websites
Word of Mouth
Career Services Emails / Info Sessions
Career Fairs
Information Sessions
*Super Important*
Before attending a career fair - attend a career fair workshop
Do this:
- Appointment with career services for interview prep
- Mock interview with career services
- Use InterviewStream to practice
- Good interviewing skills come with practice.
University Based Job Sites
4. Get offer
Sign up TODAY!
Available after completing 1st semester in E&T. Use our website for info on login as it requires your Purdue ID.
Need Help?
Use sample resumes on ET Career website
Attend resumania
Schedule an appointment with us
5. Negotiate
Did you get a fair offer? Ask us!
Help us help you.
Career development is complicated... We make it easier!
Shelly Snider
Jennifer Williams
Bobbi Dankert
Amy Wilson
It's never too early to get started on your career. Hope to see you soon!
Career development is complicated... we make it easier!