Dark Matter
- Scientists are not quite sure, but they are certain about the fact that it is stuff that makes it possible for galaxies to exist.
- Theory comes from when scientists had tried to calculate how the Universe could exist.
- Normal matter is not strong enough to form galaxies, planets, etc.
- It isn’t clouds of normal matter without stars because it would then emit particles that we could detect.
- It is not anti-matter because anti-matter produces unique gamma rays with normal matter.
3 key things:
1) It is something
2) It interacts with gravity
3) There’s a lot of it
Dark Energy
- Form of energy that cannot be detected, measured or tasted.
- Discovered by Edward Hubble in 1929
- We know even less about dark energy than dark matter but what we do know is that it is continuously expanding and that it may be some sort of gravity counteractant.
Dark Matter
What you're
and Dark Energy
What factors are involved?
gonna learn about...
- Geometry of the universe
- Amount of dark energy present
- equation of state
- Less than 5% of the Universe is
made up of matter that we recognize
(ie. plants, rocks, clothing, ourselves)
- That dark matter makes up
approx. 25% of our Universe
and dark energy makes up about 75%.
- the expanding universe
- dark matter and dark energy
- the big rip
- the big freeze/heat death
- the big crunch
- other possible theories
The Big Rip
now what?
Conclusion - we might never know the ultimate fate of our universe, and we certainly won't be around to see it.
- there's still a lot to learn
- research could lead to new theories
-theory that is based off the idea that the Universe is constantly expanding and that most massive objects are moving away from us.
- Supernova Survey measured the distances between Supernovas to calculate the Universe’s expansion rate.
-surprising conclusion. Original prediction was that the Universe was expanding, but slowing down. Concluded was that the Universe is expanding but accelerating as it does so.
-The force that is forcing it to expand is called dark energy.
-The big rip theory states that if dark energy expands all things that make up our Universe will be ripped apart.
- if dark energy begins to increase in force it will overcome everything.
-Result of the Big Rip would be a void which would containing many random, non-interacting subatomic particles.
Ultimate fate of
What do you think?
the universe
An Investigation by
Nika, Dafne, and Macy
BIG Bounce
Other Theories
Big Freeze/Heat Death
- assumes that the big bang was a result from the collapse of another universe
- a repetitive cycle between the big crunch and the big bang
- repeats every one trillion years
Big Freeze
Big Bounce
Big Slurp
- Most accepted theory
- Based on an open universe
- As the universe expands, stars inevitably lose their hydrogen and helium, creating empty space
- Due to the new-found space in between objects in our universe (also known as entropy), the temperature in our galaxy reaches 0ºC, stopping all motion of time
- The heat in our system would be distributed evenly, allowing no room for usable energy/heat.
- This event is predicted to happen 100 trillion years from now.
the big Crunch
Big Slurp
- a bubble formed from quantum fluctuations from an alternate universe with lower energy state than ours might with our universe
Think Agar.io!
- this bubble would expand and destroy our universe at the speed of light
Max expansion
Thanks for paying attention!
the universe
At less than critical density (may lead to the Big Rip or the Big Freeze)
density > critical density
radius of the Universe
At critical density (expanding, but slowing over time)
density = critical density
Density above critical level (expands then contracts, may lead to the Big Crunch)
density < critical density
time since the Big Bang