Kedai Kek & Roti Suria
Saturday, December 19, 2015
Kh 101-105
Step 1 : Identifying existing & Potential risks
Risk That May Be Occurs In Every Stages
Flow Chart
The process of making bread & bun
The Process Of Making Cake
Risk of an electric shock
Background Kedai Kek & Roti Suria
Risk of hand stuck in machine
No Dress Code for Employee
Risk of accident of customers
Risk of theft
Kedai kek & Roti Suria
Risk of wooden shelf fall
STEP 2 : Evaluating Potential Risk
- One of the businesses that are quite popular in Terengganu.
- In year 1990, Mr. Silahuddin was work as an employee at the first Bakery at Terengganu which is Kedai Kek Wan Mansor.
- Have three branches of their business at Batu 6,Jalan Sultan Ismail and Chabang Tiga. Cabang Tiga is the main branch.
- The bakery was established on year 1999 by Mr. Silahuddin bin Muhd Yusof and his wife.
High Potential
-careless does
not always happen
Plan Kedai Kek & Roti Suria
High Probability
-Location at the corner
of the road
-Careless & not beware
for slippery floor
Step 3 : Examining Alternative risk Management technique
Step 5 : Evaluating ,Reviewing and controlling the risk management Programme
Step 4 :Selection and Implementing the Risk Management Programme
Loss control
- all measure other than avoidance designed to reduce the frequency, severity or unpredictably losses of loses by changing the characteristics of the exposure so its more acceptable to the Kedai Kek & Roti Suria
Example : Risk of electric shock
First aid
Fire Distinguisher
Schedule Maintanance
ways to overcome
Plug The Access Control
Law Enforcement
Financial criteria :
the risk of electric shock it can involve significant losses such as the destruction of machinery and materials
Non-financial criteria : risk of electric shock can also cause heart attacks and also injury to the owners, employees and customers
Risk to get burn
Set the timer correctly and put away your digital devices.
Risk of machine fault
Risk of hand stuck in machine
Risk of getting trap hand in the oven
Ensure that proper guards are in place and correctly adjusted.
Use only recommended temperature settings for each type of cooking
Keep your hand away from all moving parts and avoid cleaning or brushing off moving parts, such as cutting blades or beaters in mixers.
The risk management programs must be :
- monitored and controlled systematically
- Periodically reviewed to ensure that the techniques employed are still suitable
- Sometime, thing changes, new risk arise and old ones disappear
- Reporting risk is about ongoing awareness and effectiveness of any actions or strategies taken to contain or reduce risk.
Risk of an electric shock
Hire a professional electrician,it must be expensive but it is cheaper than a stint in the hospital.
Based on two factors :
Financial criteria
Non-financial criteria
The Way to Overcome the risk
Implement practise based upon food storage and handling,cleaning sanitation and maintenance program.
Risk that occur at Kedai Kek & Roti Suria
Remember !!
If our body has Haram blood,
then our wokship maybe will not
accepted by Allah S.W.T.