Hypertrichosis Information
Types of hypertrichosis
How it is Caused
Congenital Hypertrichosis-
Caused by genetic mutations that are extremely rare; contains 6 types within it:
- Circumscribed Hypertrichosis- Thick vellus hair on the upper extremeties; such as severe hair growth on or around the elbow
- Localized Hypertrichosis- Limited or localized hair growth and length in a specific area of the body; easiest type to diagnose
- Nevoid hypertrichosis- Present at birth or later in life; similar to localized but not associated to any other diseases
- Some believe it is cancer related and occurs after individuals have cancer
- Some believe that it can be caused by drugs or metabolic disorders
- Some believe metabolic disorders such as porphyia cutanea tarda or anorexia nervosa
What is hypertrichosis
- Hypertrichosis lanuginosa- Thin lanugo hair all over the body that is noticeable at birth
- Generalized Hypertrichosis- Severe facial and upper body hair
- Terminal Hypertrichosis- A fully pigminted terminal hair that grows all over the body; compared to werewolf-like appearence
- A disorder that causes excessive growth of hair in areas where hair does not normally grow
- People believe that this disorder is made by an atavistic mutation, the re-emergence of an evolutionary ancient trait that is normally kept suppressed
- Located-on a section of the x chromosome
- Type of Hypertrichosis that can only be seen in women and children
- Originates from the excess androgen-sensitive hair growth
- Women with this disorder often develop chest and back hair and show adult male pattern hair growth
- Patterened Hypertrichosis- "Patterened" hair growth, similar to generalized hypertrichosis and a sign of malignancy
- Localized Hypertrichosis- An increase in hair density and length and limited to certain areas of the body; often caused of irritation or trauma
Acquired Hypertrichosis-
Develops after birth and caused by underlying diseases or outside factors such as medicinal side effects, eating disorders, or cancers; contains 4 types within it
- Hypertrichosis lanuginosa- Rapid growth of lanugo hair that commonly appears in the face; few cases shown on armpits and trunk
- Generalized Hypertrichosis- Multiple hairs on the same follicle and some cases of abnormal hair growth, affects the cheeks, upper lip, and chin
Interesting Facts
Daily Life With Hypertrichosis
First reported case of hypertrichosis
- Hypertrichosis has no big effect on someones daily life
- People with hypertrichosis live a normal life, just with more hair than someone without it
- They do have to face people that want to be funny and make fun of them
- They don't have to take medicine or visit the doctor regularly
- They live a normal life
- Altrovandus first documented a family with hypertrichosis, in 1648
- Petrus Gonzalvus, from the canary islands, was recorded of having hypertrichosis
- Petrus, his 2 daughters, his son, and his grandchild were all affected by hypertrichosis
- Altrovandus dubbed them the Ambras family, after the Ambras castle, where portraits of the family were found
- Over the next 300 years, more than similar-appearing cases were described
The Bearded Lady
Hypertrichosis Videos
- Julia Pastrana traveled throughout the United States in a freak show as a bearded lady, from 1834-1860
- Not only did she have a beard, but she had hair distributed equally through out her body, even on the palms of her hands
- Her condition, type of hypertrichosis, is congenital terminal hypertrichosis
- 1) Mutation: a change in something either in a physical change in chromosome relations or a biochemical in the codons
- 2)Trait: a quality that makes someone different from someone else
- 3)Gene: a part of a cell that controls or influences the appearance growth ect. of a living thing
- 4)Probability: chance that something will happen
- 5) Phenotype: The observable properties of an organism
- 6) Genome: a set of chromosomes with the genes they contain
- 7)Gene Therapy: the substitution of a fictional for a defective gene
- 8)Dihybrid Cross: when there are two genes in a punnet square and you find the different genotypes for the organism.
- 9) Phenotype: the traits you can see in an organism
- 10) Genotype: The capital and lowercase letters in the DNA sequence
- 11) Heterozygous: When someone has a dominate and recessive gene for the same trait
- 12) Genetics: The scientific study of how genes control the characteristics of plants and animals
- 13) DNA Fingerprint: a sample of a person's DNA that can be used to identify them
- 14) Restriction Enzymes: Enzymes that make the DNA show up while undergoing genetic screening
- 15)Genetic Engineering: The science of making changes to the genes of a plant or animal to produce a desired trait
- 16) Allele: Another name for genotype
- 17) Carrier: Something that has a recessive gene but the recessive trait does not have to show up
- 18) Linkage Map: A diagram showing the positions of genes a chromosome or a set of chromosomes
- 19) Genetic Linkage: The tendency of genes, or characteristics, to he inherited together because the genes are on the same chromosomes
- 20) Law of Dominance: The law that says there is a dominate and recessive gene and you must have two recessive genes to overrule the dominant trait
Work Cited
- http://www.Sciencedictionary.org/biology/
- http://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/depilation
- http://Sussle.org/t/hypertrichosis
- http://www.wbmd.com/beauty/hair-removal/laser-hair-removal
- http://www.foxnews.com/health/2014/0829/4-hair-removal-methods-that-really-work.html
- http://ephshonorsbioblogfoley.blogspot.com/2015/12/hypertrichosis-werewolf-syndrome.html
- http://www.innerbody.com/careers-in-health/how-to-become-a-laser-hair-removal-technician.html
- http://www.interestinghealthfacts.net/hypertrichosis-is-a-gene-mutation/
- http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1072987-overview
- http://www.healthguidance.org/entry/4087/1/what-is-hypertrichosis.html
- http://Dermnetnz.org/hair-nails-sweat/hypertrichosis.html
- http://Pharmaininfo.net/hypertrichosis
- http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2109971/Danny-Ramos-Gomez-Wolfman-rare-condition-says-change-it.html
Danny Ramos Gomez
Danny has hypertrichosis, and not just a little bit on his body or here and there but all over his face. Danny and his brother Larry both have this this type of hypertrichosis, and when they were young they were exhibited in a circus side show as "wolf children". Even though he has all of this hair on his face he says he would not change the way he looks even though he is teased almost everyday for it, because he said the ladies love the extra hair. People laugh and howl at him, and they perceive him as a wolf and insult him. Though all of this happens Danny has a girlfriend and a daughter from a previous relationship. He says the people teasing him do not bother him because he knows who he really is on the inside, and that he is a normal guy that does normal things and everything thing else the same, except what people see on his face. He works in the circus, performing daredevil feats on the trapeze and trampoline
Dear Xiaoling,
This is a letter to tell you what type of disorder you have and your treatment options. You have a very rare disorder called hypertrichosis and as you know this causes excess hair growth on your body. Two treatment options you have is plucking and waxing, which can be very painful, and they are exactly as they sound. Plucking is you pulling the hairs out of your body; waxing, comes in many different types, is where they get a type of wax/wax paper and put it on the hair and rip it off. Two more options would be Laser hair removal and electrolysis, More permanent and less painful, but are more expensive. Laser hair removal is where a physician, or someone in the related field, would use a machine that uses a beam of concentrated light on the hair, which causes the hair to absorb the light and destroy itself. Electrolysis puts a fine probe in the hair follicle and uses chemical or heat energy to destroy kill the hair, after this is done the hair is removed with tweezers. We hope the best for you and whichever treatment options you choose that is goes well and that they helped you.
Someone Concerned,
Dr. Anthony Cruz
Dr. Riley Stroud
Treatment Options
- Laser Hair Removal: Beam of highly concentrated light into hair follicles, then pigment follicles absorbs the light and destroys the hair
- Plucking: This is where the hair is just plucked
- Electrolysis: The devices destroy the growth of hair through chemical or heat energy, after that a fine probe is inserted into the hair follicle, the hair is then removed after with tweezers
- Sugaring: Sugar wax, made of sugar, water, lemon juice, and glycerin; Only pulls the hairs and not the top layer of skin
Medical position that helps rid of hypertrichosis
Educational, Skills, and Qualities Requirements
- Some states have different requirements
- Some states only allow medical professionals such as physician's assistants, and nurses to perform laser procedures
- Some programs require a high school diploma or equivalent
- Must be friendly, customer-service oriented individuals who are able to put their clients at ease
- They must have the stamina for long period of time, several times a day
- Pay attention to safety procedures, to prevent injury to the client or the technician
Laser Hair Removal Technician-
Remove body hair safely and permanently using state of the art laser equipment
- They target hair follicles by delivering a small pulse of light from the laser at precisely the right duration and wavelength
- Stand for long periods of time while doing the procedures to make sure they follow safety precautions to protect the client and themselves from injury
- Work in many different places, such as medical facilities, salons, spas, and clients homes
Training Requirements
- Depending on the state, laser hair removal technicians are trained on the job under the facility's license
- Must take industry-approved laser safety courses and obtain an apprentice credential from the state's licensing body
- To become certified you must meet the following requirements:
- Be 18 Years of age or older
- Complete hours of documented laser safety and hair removal procedures
- Submit at least 20 case reports for treatments performed under the supervision of a physician or senior provider
Created by Anthony Cruz & Riley Stroud