- formed a fascist state
- affected the education system
- used the people to improve Italy's economy
- lead the nationalists
- because he removed all oppression, this made a lot of professionals leave Italy/lose their jobs
- the leader before accepted their arrival
- alliance with Hitler
- support from Catholics
- used police
- censored/used propaganda
- improved economy
Rise to Power
- differences in regional wealth, education and infrastructure
- northern states and southern states
- They had 5 specific governments
- they received little after Treaty of Versailles
- 1919 Mussolini formed the Facist party (originally socialist)
- unemployment grew and political anarchy made the party popular (almost civil war)
Rise to Power ctd.
- Mussolini led a march against the communist
- after this the current leader of Spain Victor Emmanuel III told him to form a government and restore order
- because of fear of Communism
- Mussolini manipulated the democratic government and declared himself dictator in 1925
- declared himself "Il Duce"
How Mussolini Remained in Power
the spanish civil war started
Franco becomes head of nationalists
nationalists take over Madrid
Franco meets Hitler
- carried out an extensive public works program
- reduced unemployment
- showed strength through expansion
- invaded Ethiopia in 1935
- sent help to Fascists in Spain
- invaded Greece in 1940
- alliance with Hitler
- used the Black Shirts to do the dirty work
- agreement with Pope (support from Catholics)
- censored the press
- education policies
- they were facist oriented, successful, advertised war to the younger generation
Franco becomes leader of Spain
Franco dies of natural causes
Franco's Rise to Power
- After the dictatorship of King Alfonso XIII, elections introduced the Second Republic
- the new republicans controlled the power of the military, church and property owning elites
- there was disorder on both sides of the political spectrum, street violence, political killings
- once leftist won elections of 1936, Franco (rightist) thought of a coup
How He Stayed in Power
Franco's Rise to Power ctd.
- Franco gained more popularity from his success in the military
- in 1936 new elections were held, the leftists won
- Spain was still in chaos
- Franco joined the rebels
- Franco ordered a big army to Madrid, crushed the leftists, and was selected to be leader
- received support of the Italians and Germany
- Franco slowly took control of Spain and was the official "El Caudillo"
Style and policies of the dictator
Mussolini vs Franco
- Franco stayed neutral during WWII despite siding with Germany and Italy
- after the war, he became very anti-communist, which got him support from the U.S. (air and naval bases)
- was very strict with the police and the military
- had networks that helped stop any opposition
- nationalist interests, wanted a self-sustaining Italy
- government, workers, and employers to come together
- settled land, and political disputes with the Church
- desired order and sufficiency in Italy's lifestyle
- terror tactics, secret police for those who were against him
Franco's Success
- improved the economy
- cities developed
- people of the country looked for jobs and moved to the city
- turned Spain into a world power
Styles and Policies
Success of Mussolini
Mussolini's Timeline
-Forms the Fascist Party in Italy
-declared himself "Il Duce"
-modifies electoral system (no more choosing), end of women's rights
-alliance with Germany
-Mussolini joins Hitler to declare
war against France and Britain
- Used the police force to control citizens
- women lost their equality to men
- minor economic and relaxed controls helped improve the economy
- sent political radicals to labor camps
- turned Spain into having a single cultural identity
-resigns and gets arrested
-Mussolini captured an hanged by Italian partisans
- military success
- confronted well, wanted to work people (did not kill them), controlled the people
- improves economy, saved from a Depression, a more self-sufficient Italy
- but there were a lot of monopolies controlling sectors of the economy
- new electoral reforms
- majority of votes = majority of seats in parliament
Mussolini vs. Francisco Franco
Adriana Ixba