SEO Insights of Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories
Hi, we would like to take pride in introducing ourselves as BigIn IT Services Pvt. Ltd. We are a one shop stop online solution for all your Digital Marketing needs.
The objective of this presentation is to showcase some insights which will help Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories in understanding their BRAND visibility on Organic Search (SEO).
Current status
What can you expect?
"Why Digital Marketing?"
Supply & Demand
Road Ahead
"Lost Opportunity?"
"What is SEO?"
what can you expect out of us from SEO
Traffic Contribution
77% Search queries are related to Diseases
10% queries are specific to Homeopathy
3% queries are related to Alternate Medicine
2% users use Brand in their search terms
2,290 Searches are online related
970 searches are related to Complementary
650 Searches are related to Integrative
30 searches are Integrative related
Rest 8% are Generic terms
Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories is not at all ranking for any of the top keywords with high demand in the first page.
For that matter, most of the competitors are not ranking on the top; this being said, we have a fair opportunity to create our presence in the Google's first page.
"Homeocare International " is doing a fair job among all.
It goes imperative that there are substantial monthly searches in Google.
Winning these prospective visitors would be a great deal to Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories.
Brand Presence
Traffic Contribution
One of the competitors has been taking advantage of our brand name.
Diseases Specific
Alternative Medicine
Clinic Specific
Dr.Batras has used the keyword "Positive" in their title.
Positive Homeopathy should do something about this.
3 Human Resources for 12 months
Resource 1 - Content Writing
Resource 2 - Advanced Link Building
Resource 3 - Website Optimization as per changing algorithm
Brand Specific
More traffic results in more Branding and more Conversions
Road Ahead
SEO is a mix of scientific techniques
Current Status
63% of the businesses websites do not rank in search engine's results at all!!!
"Where do I stand?"
Are you sure that you are not in the 63% bucket
97% of all online consumers use online media when researching products and services.
even if the purchase is made offline
"Stay Tuned !!! You will get to know it soon"
Keyword Analysis
Keyword Analysis, at its essence, is market research.
- It tells us what people are interested in, and in what relative numbers.
- It reveals the actual language people are using when they think about those topics, which provides us with insight on how to converse with them via our website.
That information is worth its weight in gold, since we know what to do with it.
Competitor Analysis
Broken Links
Competitor SEO analysis should be an integral part of our SEO strategy.
"Unlike your business, your website will be open 24*7"
Broken links will drive potential customers away!!!
- When we identify our standing in the industry, we can reinvent our SEO campaign and emerge stronger than our competitors.
Broken links prevent search engines from properly indexing our website.
- Understanding the competitive landscape involves finding answers to three basic questions:
- What is he doing that We're not?
- What is our competitor up to?
- Is what he’s doing working for him?
- Any SEO work that you’ve invested in could be money down the drain if there are broken links pushing down our Google rankings.
We will save your website from adversely getting affected out of broken links.
Backlinks determine the below factors:
Advantages of websites that RANK!
5 valuable ways to promote a business online
We build credible and authoritative backlinks for your website by following advanced linkbuilding techniques.
- People can find store location and hours
- Search Engine Optimization
- Google Local Search Optimization
- They can find telephone number and Email address
- Google Adwords Campaigns (PPC)
Content Structure
W3C Validations
- They can learn about Products and Services
Content should be structured with search engine traffic in mind.
All pages of a website should be built in accordance with Web standards.
- They can read credible customer Testimonials
- Based on the keyword research and competitor analysis, we would recommend certain structure of content for each of the levels in our website.
Title & Description
- The elements of the content we would lay our hands on would be:
Search engines have to parse the HTML code of your website to find relevant content.
- Text
- Images
- Headers
- Anchor tags
- Emphasis driven phrases and
- Call to Actions
- They can learn more about Offers and Promotions
- We would see to that there are absolutely no code errors that can cause serious styling issues from a web design perspective.
One-Time Activities
- They can buy Products & Services
Landing Page
Home Page
If given an opportunity, we would be carrying out the below One-Time Activities
Meta Description
Title Tag
Landing Page URL is Missing
"Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories homeopathic medicines manufacturers, homeopathic
medicines exporters, homeopathic medicines suppliers, herbal medicines manufacturers,
herbal medicines wholesalers, herbal medicines exporters - Locator ID A00362 On"
Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories, India, a registered GMP certified company, is a manufacturer and exporter of homeopathic drug, pure herbal extracts, homeopathic medicine, natural herbal extracts, natural herbs, homeopathic ointments, natural herbs and organic preparations for the last 70 years. Having been at the forefront of the organic revolution since its inception, the ..
- Brief & Conclusive - Non Compliant
- Keyword Usage - Compliant
- Keyword stuffing - Non Compliant
Out of the 5 ways, the best baits are ORGANIC SEARCH (SEO) and Local Search.
- Robots.txt and Sitemaps Generation
- URL Structure Recommendations
- Title & Meta Tags Generation
Image Optimization
Google Snap Shot
Take Away
URL Structure
Title & Meta Tags
Titles and Meta Descriptions plays a crucial role in increasing the CTR (Click Through Rate) of a website.
Optimizing the meta information will fetch us click-throughs
We orgranize content such that URLs could be constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans.
Home Page
Landing Page
- Titles in Homepage are exceeding the optimum length.
These elements are critical to both user experience and search engine optimization.
- Though there are Titles and Descriptions in the website, they are not brief and conclusive.
- It creates value in three specific areas:
- Relevancy
- Browsing
- Search engine results pages
URLs describe a site or page to visitors and search engines.
- Landing page is not there in this website
Alt Attributes - Missing
We ensure that your URLs are Relevant, Compelling and Accurate, so that they can rank well in search engines.
Landing page is not present in the website
Landing Page is not Present in this website
Image File Names - Compliant
Local Listings
90-95% of consumers search for local business online.
- 73% of all the activity is related to local content
- 20% of desktop queries have local content
- 82% of local searches follow up with a phone call or show up on your doorstep
"Google is blind!!!" - It cannot see images.
Instead, google reads the alt text tagged along to an image.
There is a mismatch in what we are showing to users and what we are showing to Google robots. This is a serious issue which can turn down the website.
Page Speed
Internal Linking
- Most of the images do not have alt attributes tagged along.
- The file names of the images are appropriate.
1 sec
Internal links are most useful for establishing site architecture and spreading link juice.
Loss in
Fewer Page Views
Decrease in customer satisfaction
Delay in page load time results in
These type of links are useful for three reasons:
- They allow users to navigate a website.
- They help establish information hierarchy for the given website.
- They help spread link juice (ranking power) around websites.
Java Scripts
Lazy Loads
Improved Page Speed
Structured Data
Inline Small Resources
If you are developing a new website or rejuvenating your existing one, we can assist you by making sure that the site’s hierarchy looks like a reasonably balanced pyramid.
Factors influencing Page Load
We will improve your websites performance in search using Google Rich Snippets.
- Rich snippets comes with below benefits:
- Draws user attention.
- Improves CTR.
- Give users a sense for what’s on the page and why is it relevant to their query.
URL Structure
Content Structure
Home Page
Landing Page
Length - Complaint
Static - Complaint
Landing page is not present in this website
Where do Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories stand?
Extra Separators - Complaint
Keyword Presence - Compliant
Landing Page
Case Sensitive - Compliant
Home Page
- There is a scope of adding topics
Landing page is not present in the website
- Scope of adding Visual tags
- Header tags are not SEO Compliant
URL's should be constructed logically and in a manner that is most intelligible to humans
SEO Importance
The current shape of Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories in the organic search front is very poor.
- There is immense scope for Positive Homeopathy to be a leader on digital front.
- The website is hardly ranking for any of the keywords (apart from brand specific) in first page.
- There are hardly any authoritative websites who are voting Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories .
Average %age of clicks
Benefits of SEO
- Increase website's Visibility & Usability
- Build Brand, Reputation and Trust
- Win Substantial Traffic, Leads and Sales online
Header Tags
Since SEO activities endeavors to improve the inherent quality of a website making it more readable by humans as well as search engine bots, We believe it is a must for Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories to revisit SEO strategies for their website.
New page Optimization
Campaign Planning & Execution
Home Page
Landing page
Usage of
When a new page is introduced into the website, we will be executing out all the One-Time activities on the page.
HTML & CSS Errors
We would be planning and executing different campaigns which will meet Online Marketing Goals of Gitam University.
Landing page is not present in the website
H1 tag - Not used
H2 tag - Not used
H3 tag - Not used
H4 tag - Not used
H5 tag - Not used
H6 tag - Not used
Wide Array of Goals
Home Page
Landing Page
HTML Errors - 39
HTML Warnings - 9
Landing page is not present in the website
- Title & Meta Recommendations
CSS Errors - 14
- Votes from External Sites
CSS Warnings - 5
The heading tags are the HTML tags that are used to hierarchically organize the design and content of a webpage.
- Tags are used to structure the page so that users and search engines can make out “what the the page is all about".
- Visitors can understand the pages in better manner and website can boost in search engines result.
- Header tags are not used in home page.
There are negligible HTML and CSS errors in the website which is a good sign of an interoperable webpage.
Recurring Activities
1 Year - INR | 16 Lacs
Page Speed
If given an opportunity, we will be working on the below Regular Activities
Landing Page
Home Page
"New Page Optimization"
Page Speed Score = 97
Landing page is not present in the website
Dr.Batras - 69
Homeocare International - 60
Specialty Homeopathy - 90
Landing Page
"Campaign Planning and Execution"
Randhawa Hospital - 88
Home Page
Total no.of Back links - 289
Dr.Batras - 3097
Landing page is not present in the website
Homeocare International - 29906
"Reports Generation"
Users will hardy wait for the page to load. Page Speed is one of the ranking factors on the search front.
Lost Opportunity
Take Away
Page Rank
- Page Speed of Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories is much better than other clinics except Speciality Homeopathy .
Quality back links improves website's traffic and popularity.
Having loads of back links will fetch nothing, it's their quality that matters.
- There are hardly any external websites which are voting the landing page.
Landing Page
Home Page
Page Rank - 2
Search - Crawl Data, Traffic Data, Optimization Data, Competitor's Data, Keyword Ranking, Other Custom Reports
Landing page is not present in the website
Dr.Batras - 3
Content - Split Search, Internal Site Search, Visitor Foot Print, Site Speed Events
Homeocare International - 2
Social - Credible Social Sources, Social Sharing, Social Media Impact
Yearly metrics
Mobile - Mobile App Analytics, Mobile Traffic Data
***Excluding taxes
Conversion - Visitors Behavior, E-Commerce reporting, Multi-Channel Funnels, Flow Visualization, Attribution Modeling
Page Rank is an algorithm that calculates the web metrics which shows how reputable a particular page is according to google.
Advertising - Mobile Analytics, Multi-Channel Funnels, campaign Performance, Attribution Modelling
- Page Rank is one of the important ranking factors.
- Page Rank is purely calculated on no. of credible back links
PR for Home Page is 2
According to the new Google's Humming Bird Algorithm change, PR is the major ranking factors.
Take Away
If your web-pages ranks on the first page of Google, the average CTR you could expect is 8.98%.
Why Digital Marketing?
Digital Marketing is taking over the traditional forms of analog marketing. It's high time for the businesses who are not aware of this trend to quickly adapt to this new marketing climate.
What is SEO?
SEO is a dynamic science.
Is SEO so very Important?
Organic Search Engine Optimization is one of the best cost effective solutions which will drive you immense returns.
Assuming INR 2,000/- is made out of every patient excluding operations/administration charges.
Where do Bhandari Homeopathic Laboratories Stand
You are not there in the first page of Google Search for any of the top 30 keywords.
Lost Opportunity
You have been losing around 4 crores on an yearly basis
Assuming 10% Conversion rate from the website.
"Is SEO so very important?"