Ozone layer vs. Greenhouse gases
By Allie Epstein
What is
The Ozone Layer
- deep layer in the stratosphere, encircling the Earth, that has large amounts of ozone in it
- shields the entire Earth from much of the harmful ultraviolet radiation that comes from the sun
- O which is much less common than 0 , which is oxygen
Ozone Depletion
- Caused by the breaking up of CFC's into chlorine
- CFC's into chlorine happens at a high rate in Antarctica
- if ozone becomes thin, UV rays can seep through the layer and cause sunburns, effect the human immune system and weaken it, cause eye diseases such as cataracts, and cause various types of cancers.
Why people get them confused
What makes it worse
- CFC (chlorofluorocarbon) which depletes the ozone layer creating a hole in the ozone layer
- they are both in the atmosphere
- both can cause global warming
- ozone gas is a greenhouse gas but not vise versa
The greenhouse effect occurs when atmospheric greenhouse gases trap and/or re-radiate some of the reflected energy back to Earth
What makes it worse?
The Greenhouse Effect
What is
- greeenhouse gases can cause global warming
- heat up Earth by reflection radiation back
- deplete ozone layer which lets in UV rays
Greenhouse Effect
- made of more than one gas
- CFC's in ozone layer cause ozone depletion
- Does not cause ozone depletion
- traps heat and warms Earth
- stop UV rays from entering Earth's atmosphere
- essential for life on Earth
photo credit Nasa / Goddard Space Flight Center / Reto Stöckli