In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, Jacky Hart is the protagonist. She has 7 sisters, lives with 6 of them and her dad. Jacky's oldest sister is in college, and her mom fights in the military. The story began when Jacky (protagonist) wanted to make the last day of summer worth it. She, her best friend and her one year younger sister had a competition- it didn't end up to well. Later that night, she sneaked on to the top of the Ferris wheel and Made a solemn vow. She promised that she wouldn't be Jacky HA-HA anymore (the name she got from being so funny). She wanted to be plain-old Jacky Hart. The next day, on the first day of seventh grade, Jacky made fun of her math teacher, and got five detentions. For the beginning of the year, she wasn't doing so well. She also wasn't doing so well with NOT being Jacky Ha-Ha. This same process kept happening throughout the week. Until one day, Jacky had detention in the classroom and one of the new play teachers walked in. The teacher checked the detention sheet and was surprised when she saw how many detentions Jacky had. The teacher made a deal with Jacky: If Jacky tried out for the Charlie Brown play (and got in), she wouldn't be able to have anymore detentions. Even if a teacher gave her one. Afterward, Jacky thought about it, and tried out for snoopy- and got in. The teachers name was Ms. O'mara and Jacky liked her because she had a sense of humor. However, Jacky was acting nice and wasn't getting any detentions. She was also having play practices everyday. While Jacky was gonna do play, the principle made her do a speech competition. Meanwhile, Jacky's sister was coming home to visit. Jacky had lots of fun with her. Soon, Jacky's Grandma wasn't feeling so good. Later on, Jacky was getting into some trouble. She was climbing up the Ferris wheel making a vow that it is okay to be Jacky Ha-Ha. Until, the police and firefighters came and Jacky realized: Someone spotted her, and called the police. When they got her down from the Ferris wheel, Her dad was really disappointed, and Jacky was missing her mom more than ever. On top of that, they recently figured out that there Grandma just died. Luckily, Jack's mom would be coming home for the funeral. That's when things started to turn around. The whole family was together and they would be there to watch her speech and play. The funeral was depressing for Jacky, but later they wold still get to watch her play. After all the good things happening, Jacky learned when to make a joke, how to be safe, and to always be Jacky Ha-Ha.
Protagonist-Jacky Hart
Text to text: In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, Jacky is always heading to a trail of trouble. My connection is in the books Junie B. Jones, Junie is always getting in trouble- just like Jacky. Junie would be rude and would drive herself into problems (like Jacky). Therefore, Jacky and Junie have a lot of similarity's, that gives them a connection.
Text to self: My connection for text to self is that in the book Jacky Ha-Ha, Jacky is really funny. Sometimes, I will tell funny jokes to my older sister and she will be laughing so hard, that she is crying. Therefore that connection connects to Jacky and the book.
Text to world: In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, in the epilogue (flash forward in the beginning) Jacky as a adult was about to win an Oscar award for comedy. My connection is that there is a foreign film comedy called "Toni Erdmann" . Although, this movie did not win an Oscar, but it won plenty of others. Therefore, this connection aligns with the flash forward of Jacky winning a comedy award
12 year old Jacky Hart is the protagonist (main character) in the book Jacky Ha-Ha, and its impossible for her to hold a joke inside. She has 7 sisters, but lives with 6 of them, along with her dad. Her oldest sister is in college and her mom is serving and fighting for the country in a far away place. In the story, Jacky can tend to really miss her.
Her character traits are:
~ Funny
~ Humorous
~ Amusing
~ Jokey
~ Adventurous
~ Thrilling
~ Nervous
~ Outgoing
~ Brave
~ Fearless
~ Irresistible
I would rate this book 5 stars, because
it contains funny jokes and hilarious events going through the book. Another reason is because of its sad, joyful, and truly beaming moments that occur throughout it. Also because of the intense moments that pop up every so often. Lastly, I rated the book five stars because of the unique characters and their interesting character traits that make them who they are. Overall, I recommend Jacky Ha-Ha to anyone because of its humor and joyful seen's.
~ Mange your impulsivity, or else you will have consequences for your action and you won't even know that you are making somebody furious.
In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, Jacky Hart (protagonist) loves to crack a joke, but she has trouble understanding the right time to do it. For example, on page 50, 51 and 52, Jacky was making fun of her math teacher, so he gave her 5 detentions. However, Jacky did not realize that she was hurting his feelings and making him frustrated. Therefore, that theme goes with the story and connects with Jacky.
~ I don't go looking for trouble, trouble usually finds me.
In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, Jacky Hart can find herself in lots of trouble. For example, on page 253 and 254, Jacky climbed up the Ferris wheel to make a solemn vow. Until, the police and firefighters came. She was in BIG trouble. Jacky doesn't think about if the responsible things to do. She just does it. Therefore, that theme aligns with Jacky and the book.
Antagonist- feelings/poor choices
Plot Mountain
In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, the antagonist is Jacky's feelings and poor choices. The antagonist is feelings, because some of her feelings make her feel sorrowful and downcast. For example, when Jacky's Nanna died or when she went she went through a period where she missed her mom more than ever, she wasn't as cheerful and bright. Therefore, her choices were an antagonist, because they led her to depression. Another antagonist in the book is poor choices, because when ever Jacky did something rood or unacceptable, she would get anxious or sad. Also because when ever she made a bad choice, she would let people down or Jacky would get a consequence because of what she did. For example, when Jacky made fun of her math teacher in front of the class, she got 5 detentions. Jacky's feelings and poor choices was a struggle. However, by the end of the book, Jacky figures out a way to control her impulsivity.
Setting /Point of view
In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, the problem is that 12 year old Jacky Hart (protagonist) loves to crack a joke- even when she really shouldn't. She does lots of pranks and is known as the class clown. She can make anything funny- but it's not funny when sometimes she can take it to far and starts to regret some of the jokes she said or the pranks she did. On top of that, there are some bumps on the road for Jacky. Such as: her Nona passing away, all Jacky's detentions in one day, her dad constantly disappointed in her, the misunderstandings she made, Jacky missing her mom (in the military) and the mistakes that let people down. In the book, Jacky's feelings and poor choices make her feel uncomfortable and gives her a struggle. However, at the end she figures out a way to make up for the things she did, the appropriate moment to make a joke, how to control her feelings, and to always be Jacky Ha-Ha.
In the book Jacky Ha-Ha, the point of view is first person. The setting varies, but some places include school, the boardwalk, and the Hart house (three main ones). The story is first person because in the text, it has lots of "I" and "me" statements throughout the text. The protagonist, Jacky Hart, is telling the story Although, almost the whole story is a flash back. For example, the story begins with a prologue with Jacky being about 30 years old. In the next chapter, (chapter one) Jacky as a older person is telling the story about her interesting and thrilling time of being 12. Therefore, the end had a epilogue. However, in the book, the author made it as if Jacky was writing the story to her two daughters she has now. To put it in other words, the audience of the book is suppose (but not really) to be her two daughters. The reason the setting is more than one place is because Jacky was never in one setting more than another. She was usually always at one of the three main places (school, the boardwalk or home). Therefore, you could say that the overall place was either New Jersey or her town.
Jacky Ha-Ha
By: James Patterson