Original purpose - Temple to ALL the gods of Ancient Rome
Commissioned during the Agustus Rein
Arch Technology
World's largest unreinforced concrete dome
The concrete for the dome was poured in moulds, probably mounted on temporary scaffolding.
The oculus is the main source of natural light.
It took 732 construction workers over three years to construct the Pantheon
Always has been open to the public
Optical Refinements
Built in 447-438 BC
Original Purpose - Temple to goddess Athena - Goddess of intelligence, arts and literature
Built by Iktinos, Kalikrates
Post and Lintel System
Optical Refinement
Was not open to the public - Only elite
Floor Plan
Elevated temple district
Contained various temples
Architectural “vocabulary” used well into the 20th c. for banks, courthouses, town halls, etc.
Relation to Today
Both originally designed as temples
Pantheon borrows much of its exterior design from traditional Greek temples such as the Parthenon.
Both use 8 columns to support a pediment.
Both have faced some destruction and rebuilding, and both were used as churches during the Middle Ages.
Shaped Architecture of Modern Day
"Pantheon vs Parthenon." - Difference and Comparison. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Apr. 2014
Claridge, Amanda (1998). Rome. Oxford Archaeological Guides. Oxford Oxfordshire: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-288003-9.
Cowan, Henry (1977). The Master Builders: : A History of Structural and Environmental Design From Ancient Egypt to the Nineteenth Century. New York: John Wiley and Sons.