Stereotypes and Perception
A TOK Exploration
“How come there’s no Oscar for them hard working yellow people with tiny dongs. You know, the Minions!” -Sacha Baron Cohen, in character as Ali. G
“As always the results of tonight’s Academy Awards have been tabulated by Price Waterhouse Cooper. They sent us their most dedicated and hardworking representatives. I want you to welcome Ming Zu, Bai Ling, and David Moscowitz.” -Chris Rock, host of 2016 Oscars
Other Situations
- Americans
- African Americans
- Muslims
- Women
- Men
- Homosexuals
- Transgender
A Bamboo Ceiling
Coined by Jane Hyun in her book, Breaking the Bamboo Ceiling: Career Strategies for Asians, this term is a take on the "glass ceiling" that women face. It is used to describe the different barriers that prevent Asian Americans from progressing up the corporate and academic ladders.
- Accuracy: Is there really a "bamboo ceiling"? Why does it exist?
- Impact: Positive vs negative? How does it affect the perception of Asian Americans in society?
Knowledge Question: Revisited
To what extent do stereotypes affect our perceptions of others?
Areas of Knowledge
Human Sciences, History, Ethics
Ways of Knowing
Perception, Reason
A Model Minority
Contemporary Issue
During the Oscars this year, an emphasis was placed on inclusion and diversity among different races, but the facts are that...
- Asian Americans were mentioned twice during the Oscars (but only for their stereotypes) and barely seen in the audience
- No Asian or Latina actress has won an Oscar in the last 50 years, the last Oscar won by an Asian actor was in 1985
- Latinos make up only 2% of Academy's current membership while Asians and Native Americans together make up less than 0.5% percent
Members of this minority group are perceived to have a high degree of socioeconomic success, this term is currently used to describe Asian Americans.
- Accuracy: Are Asian Americans the highest income, best educated and fastest growing racial group in the United States? Is this a reasonable statement?
- Impact: Positive vs negative? How does it affect the perception of Asian Americans in society?
The Perpetual Foreigner
Continuous view of Asian Americans as foreign and unable to assimilate into American society regardless of citizenship or duration of residence.
Where are you really from?
- Accuracy: Is this stereotype reasonable? Is the cultural gap too wide to be bridged?
- Impact: Positive vs negative? How does it affect the perception of Asian Americans in society?
- Are bad drivers
- Have inherent martial arts abilities
- Lack social and leadership skills
- Speak English poorly
- Are athletically inferior
- Are submissive in the workplace
- Have undesirable physical features
- Place strong emphasis on family
- Value education
- Are hard working in school and work
- Are musically inclined
- "Model Minority"
- "Bamboo Ceiling"
- "Perpetual Foreigners"
There are many stereotypes surrounding Asian Americans, particularly East Asians (Japanese, Chinese, Korean), and these stereotypes can be both detrimental and beneficial.
Knowledge Question
To what extent do stereotypes affect our perceptions of others?
Racial stereotypes and how they impact the view and treatment of minorities across the United States
Theory of Knowledge