Ridership Data
Data about Customers
Data Generated by Customers
Rate Your Ride Overview
Online survey
SMS (Text Messaging)
Text "ride" to 410-205-4559
IVR (Phone call
with prompts)
Real-time data submission
updated Monthly for all of MTA's modes
Operational Data
Routes, stops, stations, schedules, real time locations, etc.
Google Transit Feed (GTFS)
Shape Files of MTA Service on MD iMAP
Real-Time Bus Locations: GTFS-RT
- Complete MTA schedules
- All stops
- All lines
- All patterns
- All modes
- Local (Core) Bus
- Metro
- Light Rail
- Commuter Bus
- Inter-city Bus
- Supports Google Maps/Trip Planner (http://maps.google.com)
- Enables other apps (http://transittimesapp.com/)
- Available for download: http://www.gtfs-data-exchange.com/agency/maryland-transit-administration/
- Updated at least 3x per year (w/ every schedule change)
- Layer of all stops
- Ridership activity available for bus stops as field (on/off/total)
- Shelter (yes/no)
- Layer of all lines
- Color-coded by transit mode
- http://www.mdimap.us/ArcGIS/rest/services/Transportation/MD.State.TransitRoutesAndStops/MapServer
- Updated 2x a year (March / Sept.)
- Potential Uses
- embed in community maps
- look at what transit lines and stops are nearby
- quickly determine bus rider activity at relevant bus stops
- CURRENT SCHEDULE: project completion by beginning of 2016
- GTFS-RT Spec located at https://developers.google.com/transit/gtfs-realtime/feed-types
- Always MTA's intent to open the data (other priorities trumped)
- Widely known / published format that can serve
- Google Maps (PC/mobile)
- App developers
- Takes MTA out of the app-development business
- ... another "transportation tech day?"
Your Data Are Here
Other data that are available but not yet published
MTA Open Data
- ridership per bus route
- ridership per train station (metro, light rail, MARC)
- on-time performance per bus route and mode
Baltimore Transportation Tech
July 27, 2103
Michael J. Walk, MTA Director of Service Development
Michael J. Walk
Acting Director - Operations Planning and Scheduling
Other Data Sources & Presentation
- StateStat
- http://statestat.maryland.gov/
- Parking lot information
- eNotifications (& RSS feed) for
- General announcements
- Planned core bus diversions / stop closures
- MARC, Light Rail, and Metro delays or incidents
- All budget / hearing info available online(http://dbm.maryland.gov/budget/FY2016Testimony/J00H01.pdf)
- MDOT/MTA Annual Attainment Report (Performance)
- http://www.mdot.maryland.gov/Office_of_Planning_and_Capital_Programming/Dashboard/Documents/2013_AR_Updated_022013.pdf
Closing Comments, Ideas, Questions
Michael J. Walk
Director of Service Development