Banished, chapter 5
Who it targets
- Homeless population of metropolitan Seattle
- Low/unstable-income individuals
- Drug dealers
- Prostitutes
Seattle Exclusionary Zones
Efficiency cont'd
- Over two thirds of those interviewed about exclusion zones violated their restrictions for various reasons such as:
- Fear of maneuvering in an unknown neighborhood
- Social groups/support of their community
- Being targeted by police as repeat offenders of their exclusion zones
- In 2004, police officials revived a program from the 1990s that aims to prevent the sales of drugs in certain areas.
- These areas/exclusionary zones are referred to as Stay Out of Drug Area (SODA)
- In addition to SODA, there are Stay Out of Areas of Prostitution (SOAP)
- Over 20 exclusion zones cover half of Seattle as well as most of the downtown area.
- For those who did follow their exclusion orders (small percentage here), interviewees believed the risk outweighed the benefits of violations
- For one individual, SODA helped convince her end her drug addiction.