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Toxic Stress and ACEs

Trauma is about the lack of safety

“We understand unsafe behavior as an expression of how unsafe this person feels, so we work to increase physical and emotional safety.”

- Gabriella Grant, director of the California Center of Excellence for Trauma Informed Care


Superficially, sarcastic comments add humor to an otherwise tense situation.

Rewards and Punishments

"Jon, what part of 'Put your phone away' don't you understand? " a teacher may say.

The children laugh, and the teacher thinks she has shown that she has a sense of humor.

A youth who’s been neglected, abused, and

traumatized will react differently than a youth

who has been loved consistently to consequences,

discipline, and rewards.

How can you use positive discipline, connection, compassion, and relationship to engage teens?

But Jon has just been embarrassed and his trust in his teacher diminishes. The position of the teacher may be diminished in the other students’ eyes as well, even if they laughed, because they no longer see the teacher as an authority who protects their emotional safety but someone who freely uses the currency of insult.

What Traumatized kids need

A feeling of safety





Connection with a caring adult

Looking through a different lens

Separate behavior from student

Behavior has meaning...

What is causing this behavior?

What need is this behavior communicating?

What can be done to address this need?

Helping triggered students re-establish feelings of safety and control

neutral body language and slow movement

Calm, CARING voice

Speak softer than the student

Try not to shame or embarrass...

or make demands he can't meet..

"what do you need to calm down?"

Use empathy & validation

Focus on coping, not compliance

Remember... this is not a good time for reasoning or disciplining


  • Relationships and connection are the CORE of resilience
  • Research shows that a SINGLE CARING ADULT has permanent impact
  • Looks different in every student
  • Is messy and inconvenient
  • Requires unrelenting compassion
  • Creates the buffer we all need

For More Information...

  • Resilience Trumps ACEs
  • Family Policy Council
  • Children's Resilience Initiative
  • ACEs Connection Blog
  • ACEs Too High
  • Foundation for Healthy Generations
  • Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
  • ACE in Minnesota

  • and Delena@way-enough.com

More tips from UMOM here

The Neutral Body

Many kids who have experienced trauma react strongly to non-verbal cues such as tone of voice, body language and facial expressions

When you approach a child, take a deep breath and do a 10 second scan of your body. Give them space – 3 feet is recommended

Know your physical reactions when you get angry. Does your voice become louder? Do you clench your jaw?

Approaching a traumatized child with neutral body language will help them hear what you are saying instead of focusing on what your body language means.

Panksepp's rats

Rats usually play all day

With 1 tuft of cat hair in cage,

play stopped. After hair was

removed play never returned

to normal level.

One cat hair for 24 hours caused lifelong changes to playing behavior.

Some of our kids come from homes full of cat hair...

Some of them live

with the cat.

We want to make sure that our school is not full of cat hair.

Panksepp, J. (1998) Affective Neuroscience. New York, NY. Oxford University Press.

You will bring out the best in students if you communicate:





Developmental Tasks of Adolescence

Reality bites...

A child with four or more “adverse childhood experiences” was 32 times more likely to be labeled with a learning or behavior problem than a child with no adverse childhood experiences. 


Source: Schools promoting ‘trauma-informed’

teaching to reach troubled students, Dec 2, 2013 |

By Jane Meredith Adams 

Resulting Beliefs and Feelings

  • Develop critical thinking skills and decision-making
  • Improve motivation, emotional regulation, and social skills
  • Navigate systems and diverse authority figures/structures
  • Develop sense of self in context of childhood, school, and larger social network


The world is unsafe

People cannot be trusted

It is my fault

I am bad









Learning Brain vs Survival Brain

During trauma, we use the "survival brain"

Conditioned to think of stimuli as threats

Chronic state of fear-related activation

Learning brain used less frequently, resulting in delays in learning, motor skills, etc.

Cortisol poisoning isn't like arsenic...

The SURVIVAL brain can hijack the LEARNING brain

  • Instead of hope, we get fear
  • Instead of motivation, we get chaos
  • Instead of trust, we get suspicion
  • Instead of thinking, we get reacting
  • Instead of death, we get a half-life

and it changes our behavior...

Students exposed to toxic stress may...

Appear zoned-out

Have "who cares?" attitude

Reactions don't correlate with age

Unable to stay on task

Distract others

Impulsive; risk-taking


Lying is a survival instinct

Change the Question...

Lying, even when caught in the act, is one of the most common and persistent behaviors of youth who have experienced trauma & neglect

Instead of "What’s wrong with you?”

think, “What has happened to you?"

Many of the kids who lie are being raised in families where that coping mechanism is also used by parents.

The answer provides context for the behavior, fosters

compassion, and helps us to see strengths in face of adversity.

Backstory for the teacher...

What's wrong with him?"

“I can’t take one more thing,”

“This student hates me,”

A student arrived late to class, put his head on the desk and refused to answer questions from the teacher.

She had been through a school lock-down the week before and was facing the start of testing the next day.

“I am in danger here.”

Ultimately he pushed a classmate, cursed the teacher and a received a five-day suspension.

Back story for student:

The night before had been a scene of domestic violence at home, with his father taken away by the police. That morning his mother wouldn’t get out of bed, so the student took his siblings to school, which made him late.

"I can never do anything right"

"My teacher hates me."

"I am in danger here."

What is Trauma?

An overwhelming, overstimulating, or terrifying experience, experienced directly or indirectly

What are ACEs?

ACEs are a way to measure:

Complex Trauma

Early Adversity

Toxic Stress

Hardships and experiences that occur repeatedly, add up and get worse over time.

Herman, 1997, Van der Kolk, 2005, APA, 2000

Becoming Trauma-Sensitive

An Overview for Educators

This week, you will gain...

  • A working basic knowledge of trauma, toxic stress, ACEs, and adversity
  • A reliable lens to recognize these challenges in students, parents, and colleagues
  • The knowledge to respond without fear or shame
  • Effective ways to connect, support, and teach when biography has become part of biology and behavior
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