Nora & Dr. Rank's Relationship from A Doll House
Act I
Act II
- They appear to be casual friends at first when Nora introduces him to Mrs. Linde.
- Then, they seem to be joking with each other. Nora begins to giggle and her and Rank are really only directly talking to each other with Kristine in the room.
- Rank teases Nora. “No Loitering in the draft here.”
- Very suddle flirting.
- Mrs. Linde notices Dr. Rank's and Nora's behavior and questions Nora about it.
- Dr. Rank comes over and talks to Nora.
- Nora: "Why did you smile?"
- Rank: "No, it was you who laughed."
- Nora: "No, it was you who smiled Dr. Rank!"
- Rank expresses his love for Nora. "You now have the knowledge that my body and soul are at you command."
- Nora will try to commit suicide.
- She will admit to Rank that she loves him too.
- A scandal will come out about them.