Fear of failure.
Lack of experience.
Lack of preparation.
Lack of organization.
In the given figure, column 1 words are written in a code language and column 2 are not necesarily in the same order. Find out the correct order of the words and answer the following questions by selecting from the alternatives.
Which word would be the code for the word jai?
WRONG: You Can !
Solid skills in organization, planning and execution made way to defined tools in analysis and synthesis of information as she completed a degree at the University of Kentucky. Securing a job with Topy International a worldwide Japanese owned automotive industry supplier before graduation opened her path to corporate enterprise.
Topy provided a firm basis for transition into specialty advertising and marketing with Dapple, Inc. in Lexington, Kentucky, promotional product advertising agency with business extensions coast to coast in America, the United Kingdom and Europe.
How It All Began...
Their years after high school tracked different career paths. Kellie’s initial selection of a collegiate track proved an unnatural fit for her action oriented personality.
As a natural people's person, and result oriented activities lead Kellie to engage in varied career options. Spending time in Louisville, New York, Chicago, California and Hawaii provided opportunities ranging from health and fitness with such specialties as yoga and cardio rehabilitation to restaurant design including new construction and restoration. Kellie’s creative eye for design, practicality and action to results activity lured her to the corporate world of restaurant construction.
D & B
After two decades of worldwide business experiences Kellie and Shelley with a long standing friendship founded in trust, loyalty and brutal honesty connected to develop Bluegrass Girl.
Would you do better if you took the same test after learning your mistakes?
A & B
Would you do better if you took the same test after learning your mistakes?
A, B, C, D, E and F are members of a family. Amongst them, there are laywer, doctor, teacher, salesman, engineer and an accountant. There are 2 married couples in the family. 'D' who is a salesman is married to a lady teacher. Doctor is married to the lawyer. 'F' who is an accountant is son of 'B' and also the brother of 'E'. 'C' who is a lawyer, is the daughter-in-law of 'A'. 'E' is an un-married engineer. 'A' is a grandmother of 'F'. which of the following is a married couple?
A direct mission to provide branded
items and tailored marketing design through unparalleled customer service with diverse clients is the heart and soul of Bluegrass Girl. Identifying the target audience and the corporate identity the client wishes to promote is the end game for Bluegrass Girl. Providing options of the vast ways and means to accomplish client promotional goals is a shared activity with discussion and advisement from beginning to end of each project.
Bluegrass Girl is not satisfied until the client is satisfied.
B & C
C & D
D= Salesman(m) + Teacher (f)
X= Doctor + C= Lawyer (F)
A = Female
C = Lawyer (F)
B = Doctor (Male)
F = Accountant (Male)
E = Engineer (Un married)
F = Accountant
Test Anxiety
Experience =
Preparation +
Organization +
They are looking to see if you can crack the code…
Atlantic = 149,
What does Pacific
Good Luck!
Aptitude Test Preparation
Your guide to help you succeed on Aptitude testing
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Twelve categories of questions are
typically asked…
4. Coding/Decoding