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- Major changes to the Environmental Protection Law
- Increased penalties for heavy polluters
- Delegated responsibility of law enforcement to the local government
- Disclosure of environmental information to the public
- Define areas that require extra protection
- Preliminary control have been implemented
- Residential, Construction, Transportation and Agricultural industry
- Ineffective due to economic, political and social reasons
- Suggested pollution control systems:
- ESP - for PM
- SCR - for NOx
- FGD - for SOx
- Study on the air quality of Xingtai
- Focus on the emissions from coal-fired power plants
- Investigate existing pollution control policies and regulations
- Propose control technologies and control methods to reduce emissions
Southern Hebei Province
7.6 million people
Post combustion NOx control: SCR system
(Selective Catalytic Reduction)
- 70-90% removal efficiency
Recommended Pollution System for Coal-Fired Plants
Particulate control: ESP (Electrostatic preticipator)
- Exceeds 99.9% collection efficiency
- high reliability, resistance to moisture, temperature upsets, low maintenance
Health Effects
Why coal-fired plants?
PM: Smog& haze, causes respiratory problems, impaired plant growth
NOx: Produce ground level
ozone, acid rain, PM
SOx: Eye, nose and throat irritant, acid rain
- Replacement of coal fired plants to natural gas and electrical heating plants are costly
- China = 46.3% of coal production, 3.3% of natural gas production
SOx control: FGD
(Flue Gas Desulfurization)
- Average annual PM2.5 density was 155 μg/m3 as opposed to the national limit set at 35 μg/m3 (more than four times)
- Fresno, California the US city with the worst air pollution (18 μg/m3)
- Strong coal industry
- 20 million tonnes produced each year
- Relies heavily on coal-fired power plants for electricity generation
- Jizhong Energy Resources, state-owned coal mining company
- Operate six mines
- 5 facilities are on nations top polluters
- Sulfur dioxide at plants are 30 times higher than the national standards
Xingtai - China's Most Polluted City
Existing Pollution Control
- Control measures target specific areas close to monitoring stations
- Bribery in local environmental protection departments
- Negligence, economic growth is more important
- Affected by political plans and national events
China’s Environmental Protection Laws
- PM is major air pollutant, SOx and NOx are unnegligible as well. O3 pollution in larger cities is significant.
- coal-fired pollution to mix-sourced pollution.
- The entire province had been implementing air pollution control since 1998.
- Enforced by the Ministry of Environmental Protection
- Strict regulations implemented by central government
Kelvin Mok, Jennifer Wong, Shuyi Lu, Lydia Ip
Political plan : SO2 and fly ash increased from 2001 to 2006, and decreased after 2006 due to strict implementation of the national 11th Five Year Plan
National event : 2008 Beijing Olympic Game, 2014 APEC Summit. Decrease traffic by 35%, no sediment trucks within 100 km of Beijing, reduction of emission from nearby factories
- Coal-fire -> Natural gas or electrical
- Installation of fume purifier
- Eliminate vehicles not meeting the emission standards from road
Existing and Recently Changed Environmental Regulations in China
Why is it not working?
- Closing and relocation of rubber factories and construction materials manufacturers
- Continuous supervising and monitoring of the closed and relocated factories and manufacturers
- Ineffective monitoring and enforcement
- Actual monitoring and enforcement are neglected by local governments
- Implement wind fencing at construction site, proper maintenance of unpaved roads, and truck washing
- Demolition site management
- Prohibit uncovered sediment transport vehicles and waste trucks
- Prohibit fireworks within city, burning of crop waste in rural area
Amendments to the Environmental
Protection Law
Major changes made on April 2014:
- Increasing penalties on heavy polluters
- Maintaining a balance progress with environmental protection
- Require to disclose environmental information to public
- Defines area that require extra protection (e.g. Xingtai)
Addition Laws
Article 41
Requirement/ specification on the installation of pollution prevention and control facilities
Article 42
Regulation on operating of pollution prevention and control facilities