"Still life" at the Penguin Cafe
Starter Activity
What is your Opinion of section 1 (The great Auk)?
Interweaving solo, unison, cannon
- Small actions
- curved floor patterns
- angular body shapes
Costume designer
Danced by The Royal Ballet
5 minutes to answer the following questions:
1. What is The Great Auk?
2. How does the Great Auk relate to the stimulus of the piece?
- Penguin
- Extinct
- Relates to the stimulus
- Penguins are liked – bothers people that they are now extinct
- Make an impact
- Images: Friendly, funny, welcoming, waiter
How does this relate to the stimulus?
- Extinction
- Environment
- Penguin matches the waiter
- Even though the penguin is from Antartica the theme of extinction is global
Styles of dance
Latin America
Traditional Ballroom
The Great Auk
audience pays attention
arm movement limited
footwork main interest
Describe the costume in this section
Hayden Griffin
• Tray of champagne glasses
• White shirt
• Bow tie
• Black tail coat
• Waistcoat
• Close fitting trousers
• Attired waiter
•Brightly coloured shiney dresses
•2 yellow
•2 cerise
•2 green
•2 blue
•1930’s style
•Cross over straps
•Cut low back
•Bare arms and shoulders
•Flowing skirts, ankle length
•Skirt with abstract shapes e.g. butterfly and insect wings
•Silver high heels
•Hair long and flowing
• Formally dressed
• Black suits
• Whitebow ties
• Shirt
• Waistcoats
• Similar to penguin
• Hair carefully groomed
• Black shoes
How and Why does David Bintley Choose to mix human and Auk qualities?
- Some men and women wear penguin masks
- Not same as great Auk
- Human qualities more visable
- Each couple, one wears a mask
- Human and hybrids interact together to show the relationship between Man and Auk
- Man and Animals can live in harmony
- Auks waiting on humans – shows human use animals for various things e.g. clothes, food.
- Idea of humans are above animals in the circle of life
Realistic snow covered mountains
Bright blue sea
Bright lightening
Pale colours
Table chairs and coat stands
Large window in centre
Realistic backdrop
Grand and elegant
Reflective material
Film editing portrays a illusion of engulfing the dancers in a room
Dancers become within the audience
Focus on setting
Represents the environment of great Auks home
No industraliation!!!
Provides entrance for other dancers
Café style
Pale and delicate colours – mood of sophistication
Reflection to ensure realism to the audience
Dancers become audience in order to watch rest of the show
Audience involved in the extinction of animals not just the dancers
Describe the accompaniment in this section and what it is?
Light hearted
Simple tune
Harmonic phrases
Quiz Time!!!
1. Who choreographed Still life at the penguin café?
2. What is the animal called in section 1?
3. What is the idea of the piece?
4. Who is the set designer?
5. Who composed the music?
6. What dance styles are used in section 1?
7. Give an example of the lighting in section 1.
8. Name an instrument used in section 1
9. How many hybrid couples are there?
10. When was it choreographed and who performed it?6.
- String – slower pattern – produce climax
- Harmonic phrases
- Piano – jazz influence
- 3 repeating sections – piano strongly featured in 2nd section
- Penguins – 1st section
- Customers – 2nd section
- Repitions – 3rd section
- End with single high note
Welcoming to everyone
Musical accompaniment
The Couples