The McDonaldization of society
Karen GOMEZ AND cristina madrero
Economic impact
kAREN´S Conclusion
cRISTINA´S Conclusion
Throughout this research of the McDonalization of society, I have get to the conclusion that exploitation of workers is being exceeded. Workers are being force to work without being decently paid or sometimes even paid.
In my opinion brands are taking over everything they can just for their safe to survive and expand widely so that they can be recognozed without caring for what is really important, the rights and freedoms we all have and the importance of being different and unique.
After my extensive research in McDonaldization I have decided that this is affecting negatively in the culture.
Ritzer has claimed that the fast food restaurant has standardized everything. From the shape and size of fries to the scripting of human interaction, becoming all equal without any differentiation with people from other countries.
- There is less variety of goods.
- Worst employees conditions.
- They force people to do unpaid work
- They are often inefficient for the consumer/client
- Specialized division of labor:
- Wider range of good and services available to more people in more places.
- Able to get what you want instantly and conveniently.
- Goods and services are far more uniform and consistent.
- People have less time efficiency helps.
- People are likely to be treated similarly
- Innovation diffuses more rapidly
Digital Technology
- McDonalds can help to boost the economy in a country.
- Creates employment and increases standard of living.
- We take the risk workers exploitation in LEDCs.
- Local business will be forced out as the land can get bought out by companies like McDonalds.
Cultural diversity
This will benefit customers because it will be easier to communicate with staff members and costumers.
The digital technology will change by allowing:
- Customers to access the food in a less stressful way.
- The introduction of table service.
- Mobile ordering to allow for greater flexibility and choice
- Remote drive through ordering too.
This creates digital divide as not everyone has access to technological devices.
The main aims McDonalds has are:
- Increasing investment in restaurants
- Achieve that McDonalds restaurants are part of the local community
- Focus on consistent delivery of quality, service and cleanliness through excellence in restaurants.
- Optimized restaurant performance through the selection of the most appropriate operating, management and ownership structures.
- Continue to build the relationship between McDonald’s and customers.
To obtain this aims the world has been affected my homogenization. This means that restaurant are all equal, offering the same products and services. Costumers will be prepared and familiar with McDonald in any part of the world. Therefore, we lead up to cultural homogenization where people will end up acting and looking the same and there would be no cultural differences. Due to this homogenization less people would have an interest in the different cultures and histories of some country´s because people tend to go to a place they already know.
In countries such as Lecd´s, culture would be left behind due to all this new brands that are more recognized than the country itself.
What is Mcdonald´s?
- The three main creators were Richard and Maurice (Dick and Mac) McDonald, and Ray A. Kroc.
- The first "restaurant" was opened in 1940 in San Bernardino (California) and it was only meant to be a Barbeque restaurant.
- Is the leading global food service retailer with more than 30,000 local restaurants serving 52 million people in more than 100 countries each day. More than 70% of McDonald's restaurants worldwide are owned and operated by independent local men and women.
- There are around 1200 restaurants in different locations such as: traditional high streets; shopping centres; retail parks; roadside locations; leisure centres; railway and airport termini and motorway service areas.
- Globalization is a process of interaction and integration among the people, companies, and governments of different nations.
- A process done by international trade and investment.
- This process has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development and on humans safety in societies around the world.
- In this presentation we would talk about a recognize restaurant, McDonald´s. We would develop the impacts of McDonald´s in relationship with culture, technology and economy that affect our society.
- At the end we´ll both give our opinion of the subject in the conclusion.
- Introduction
- What is McDonalds?
- Cultural diversity
- Digital technology
- Economic impact
- Benefits
- Dangers
- Conclusions
George Ritzer defines McDonaldization as:
"The process by which the principles of the fast-food restaurant are coming to dominate more and more sectors of American society as well as the rest of the world"
Basically this is means there has been a rationalization of the modern world, where they want everything to be the same to avoid problems and in this case to guarantee costumers no surprises, as they already have an idea of how is it.