If you chose to recycle the Water bottle then it gets up-cycled to something of more value.
If you chose the garbage then this water bottle goes to a landfill and pollutes the earth.
The pre-forms are heated and shaped into bottles.
In most cases tap water is cleaner, cheaper and healthier then store bought water.
The oil is then brought to a refinery where it is cleaned.
The Life Cycle of a Plastic Water Bottle
The bottles are brought to a boiling plant where they are filled with water.
You consume the bottled water then make your choice...
Oils are extracted from the earth
24 million gallons of oil are needed to produce a billion plastic bottles.
At a plastic factory the oil is transformed into plastic pellets then bottle pre-forms.
The water bottles are ready for you so they are transported to a store.
How to eliminate the waste involved in the making plastic water bottles.
All the waste created in the making of plastic water bottles can be eliminated if people chose to use reusable water bottles.