Greek v. Cherokee
How THe World Was CREATED
Cherokee Creation Myth
The Greek & Cherokee Creation Myths are different because both have very different beginnings.
By: Myka Bailey
- The Cherokee Myth is known as a earth-diver creation
- Begins with an animal diving into water looking for sand or mud to eventually be land to live on
- In the greek myth, the creation of the world began through chaos
- There was gods, who each had a power that contributed to the earth
- There was always fighting between the gods for power
The animals
- Human race began with only a brother & a sister
- After the brother hit her with a fish, he told her to multiply
- The animals & plants were asked to watch the earth
- With this, she began to give birth to a child every seven days
- Throughout the seven days, animals began to fall asleep
- Overtime, there were too many children
The sun
- Then, every woman was supposed to have one child in a year
- For those animals who stayed up were given a power to stay up at night & hunt on their preys ( such as the owl, panther, & more )
the humans
- The plants who were able to stay up were given a gift to always stay green, have their leaves, & be a medicine
- Eventually, the land was dry & was able to have all the animals come down & live on the earth
- For those who fell asleep were consequenced with losing their leaves every winter
- At first, the sun was too close making the earth too hot
- The Great Buzzard, flew down from the island Galunlati to see the earth
- The sun had to be elevated seven times to make it not dark outside, reduce the heat, and run from east to west everyday
THe Beginning
- Since the land was still soft, there was no place to land
- The buzzard grew tired and his wings began to glide against the ground creating valleys and mountains
- Earth was an island surrounded by water hanging from the sky by cords connected at the four cardinal points
The Creation of Mountains
- The Island was called Galunlati
- A little water-beetle went off the island to see what was below the water
- Coming up from under the water, the beetle brought up soft mud which started to expand creating what is now the earth.
Greek Creation Myth:
Cherokee Creation MYth: CherokeeLady/creationmyth.html