Thallium's atomic number is #81
Which means that it has 81
protons and 81 electrons.
The Chemical Symbol for Thallium is Tl
(not Ti).
Thallium is an element that is
extremely toxic, more toxic than
all the other elements
The History of Thallium
Thallium was discovered by British
Chemist and Physist
Sir William Crooke in the year 1861
He lived from June 17, 1832- April 4, 1919.
He was in England when he discovered Thallium while trying to get selenium out of sulfaric acid.
Properties of Thallium
Thallium is a member of the Aluminum family. Group #13.
Physical Properties
- It's Heavy
- It's soft and it melts easily
-Density is 11.85g
-Thallium can be cut with an ordinary knife.\
-Melting Point 302 degrees celsius
-Boiling Point is 1,457 degrees celsius
Chemical Properties
When Thallium comes in
contact with air, it forms a
layer of Thallium Oxide.
This layers peels off very easily
Once the coating drops off a new one forms in its place.
Thallium is a metal
(But unlike most metals it's poisonous to the touch)
Other Important Info
The Atomic Mass of Thallium is 204
Most Common Isotopes
The most common isotopes are Thallium 203 and 205. It has about 123 neutrons.
Thallium's Chemical Formula
Tl So
How is Thallium
Thallium is by-product of the retrieval of lead and zinc
Effects of Thallium
Thallium can give people short term and long terms effects these are...
Short Term: Gastrointestinal irritation and nerve damage
Long Term: Damage to Liver, Kidney, Intestinal and Testicular tissues, and hair loss
If Thallium ends up in drinking water than it can be deadly. If it were to end up in a saltwater or marine ecosytem than it could end up in much aquatic life. If it ends up on land than it could bind into alkaline soils.
of Thallium
- In the past is was used to treat syphilis, gonrrhea, tuberculosis, rignworm, and it was also used to get rid of excess hair.
- Thallium used to be used in the United States as rodent poisoning, but in 1965 it was banned because of Thallium poisonings
- Thallium is currently used in the making of electricle components, optical lenses, semiconductor materials, alloys, gamma radiation dection equipment, imitation jewelry, artist's paints, low temperature thermometers, and green fireworks
- Thallium costs $100 dollars per gram
Interesting Facts
- It comes form the greek word "Thallos" which means green twig
- Because Thallium is so toxic it was often used as a tool for murders
- It's the most toxic element in the periodic table
- At the time 1934, 692 cases of thaliium poisoning were reported and there was at least 32 deaths.
- The maintenance of illegal drugs can result in Thallium poisoning
- In other countries Thallium isn't allowed to be used because of how toxic it is
Thallium's atom
( Hand Drawn)
The End !!!
(Hope you enjoyed this)
Is in Group 13 and Row 6
of the periodic table
Basic information
Thallium Sulfate