Observation 4
Anecdotal Narrative
Observation: 5
Anecdotal Narrative
Observation Portfolio
by. Kayla Morello
Purpose: 4
This observation will show some of Aria's physical and cognitive development. At 9 months old Aria is learning how to eat better. she has began to master eating pureed baby food, but tonight I added in milk at the same time of eating her food. I chose to demonstrate his abilites through the use of an anecdotal narrative record so that a short and to the point description of the incident would be provided. I also included more evidence of Tyler and Juliana's use of manners especially their use of saying please and thankyou during dinner time. this is an area that we have specifically been working on improving our use of manners.
Types of Observations Used: Combined checklist & Frequency Charts
General Use: to demonstrate the actions and providing a count of how many tmes each action occured over the observation
-Comparison purposes (How they interact bewteen each other.)
Observation One
My use- Showing which and how frequently what behaviors are being used.
-When proper behaviors are being used and when they are being used least
-When they show love to each other -Grow indiduality
-What steps they are better at than eachother -Skills between both age groups differently
Aria's ability to pick up her slices of hotdogs and bring them to her mouth are examples of advancements in the development of her fine and gross motor skills. Examples of Aria's recent developments, but not shown during my observation are the appearance of separtion and stranger anxiety. Her memory skills are improving and now when I arrive to the house Aria not only recognizes me, but also knows me being there means I am watching her. Her awareness skills also spread to nap and bed time because she now cries when we go in her room to shut off the lights because she knows I am going to leave her. Tyler and Juliana are making decent progress in their manners. Tonight was one of the 1st times that Juliana copied what I said especially using the words please and thankyou. Tyler is not struggling at all anymore especially showing his older brother qualities while taking his sisters plate to get seconds while I was finishing up with Aria. He also increased independance getting up without me asking him to do that.
Checklist & Frequency Chart
Professional use: I think that, professionally, a chart like this ia a effective and quick way to show many different ways toddlers interacted with each other. I am using all the data I collected and as a professional I can gather all the information I need and explain their similarities and differences. I can gather all the information and combine how toddlers inteact with each other and how they are developing.
Anecodotal Narratives:
Reflection: 3
General Use: to provide a breif description of a specific incident
- Best on one subject at a time
-Shows enough detail to allow the reader to picture what is happening through the incidents
My Use: To expand and demonstrate the incidents of the presence or absense of the use of manners sharing and listening skills between them
- Also descriptive evidence reaching developmental milestones
This observation provided an example of Tyler's social development. When he heard that his friends were at the park, he immediatley had to go back to the park. This shows how important friends are becoming to Tyler.
Tyler and his friends running around the playground is also a very typical behavior for their age because 6 year olds love to play competitively. However, also typical for this age Tyler ignoring his younger sister Juliana since he is with his friends.
Professional Use: Professionals and teachers can use anecodotal narratives to record specific incidents in action characteristics, and behaviors even characteristics in their students. Teachers who are early Childhood and or elementary education, and who like to use anecdotal narratives because they help them make decisons about guidence or discipline, plan their cirruculum, and understand typical and atypical developments.
Subjects: Juilana, Age 2
Aria, Age 9 months
Tyler, Age 6
Purpose: 5
Purpose of Observation: 1
Purpose: 3
Goals: Tyler & Juliana :
- Provide examples of listening skills, manners, sharing, and also when they are used and not used
-How they interact and show love to one another
-progress demonstrating growth made both in learning behaviors and develop mentally
-Phyiscal, cognitive, social and emotional developments from 9 months to 10 months
For my first observation I decided to conduct a checklist and frequency chart hoping to create a good starting point to look at the progress that went on during this observation. Through this observation I watched my neices, Aria being nine months old, and Juliana being two years old. I focused on when they had a play-time,ate a meal, and also took a nap. These are the areas they still need improvments because they are toddlers, and cant do much on their own yet especially Aria being 9 months. I alo added in typical behaviors that both infants tend to do during meal time, nap time, and play time. They needed to work on eating their full meal, taking a full nap, playing together nicely, and they both cried alot during the observation but I think it was mostly because they both were sick. I realized that each of these behaviors during these three times Juliana, who is two years old, is more developed than Aria. Therefore I incorporated a frequency chart into my checklist so that I had a better idea of when and where the improvements were most needed.
Purpose: To explore and demonstrate development and behavioral progress bewteen these three different ages that are made over the course of these observations. To see how babies react and compared to children who still have to be supervised but can do their own thing by themselves.
For this observation I chose to write another anecdotal narrative record to describe a specific event that showed advancements in Aria's development.
This observation was used to demonstrate some developmental behaviors Tyler exhibited. I chose to use an anecdotal narrative to describe a specific incident that thoroughly illustrated the social development of a 6 year old.
- The frequency chart I created provides me with a good starting point. I can see that Aria generally needs to work on eating her food, and her sleeping scedules should stay on track. Whereas Juliana is more developed and older that she can feed herself, play, and walk on her own.
Observation Two
Anecdotal Narrative
Reflection: 1
Reflection: 2
From the data collected from this observation I am able to see that although both girls have gotten better, Aria at sleeping and Juliana at listening. Im hoping that through continous prompting and models of appropriate behaviors from her parents and myself they will stick to these habits they showed me on Saturday.
The frequency chart I created provides me with a good starting point and moving forward on where I should focus most on each behaviors they are both struggling with. I can see that Juiliana is learning how to play with peers, walking, can say some types of words such as Momma, and Dada, and yes and no. She is older and can sleep more while trying to be put asleep. Whereas Aria is overall still alittle baby being 9 months oldand still has alot of developing to do espeically with crawling and finishing her food. It is surprising to me that Juliana showed showed alot of love towards her younger sister Aria because she is only 2 years old but her development skills are growing and I can tell she is going to be a great older sister. Juliana is better with using her listening skills because she can do things on her own unlike Aria. Aria has more trouble sleeping, eating, crawling, and playing together as siblings. These behaviors do seem typical, but the sleeping patterns seem alittle off. 2 year olds tend to be starting to move such as walking ontheir own, carrying objects, running around the house, and touching everything in their site. The chart while not showing much, Juliana tends to go near Aria alot and likes to go near her baby sister. Juliana baby doll hopefully is a role model of how she should treat her baby sister. Overall the chart displays that both Aria, and Juliana need some more developing to do and structured sleeping and eating times.
It is worthy to note that the day of this observation was one that the girls got to spend the whole day with me. Also we had a very goodday behavior wise which at there age is not exactly typical especially during the night. Spending time with them since I cant reallt while being in college may have been a reason they were so good. Also in my opinion I am more strict than my sister is to Juliana because being at age 2 you cant have them get everything they want. I am hoping that overtime they will stick to these sleeping and listening habits.
Observation 3
Reflection: 5
Anecdotal Narrative
Purpose: 2
Now at nine months, Aria is starting to have good motor skills. Her bility to hold her bottle, finger foods, and sippy cup is also eveidence of independence kicking in. Her balance is still developing but her balance of holding has developed more and more eachday. She wasnt fully able to drink the whole cup, and also drooled and spit some of the water out. To Aria's development of her motor skills Aria has been making noises out of her mouth. She babbles and growls at Tyler, Juliana, and I, and looks at our reactions.
After conducting a checklist for my 1st observation, I realized that Juliana's listening skills and Aria's sleeping schedule needed some work. The initial checklist indicated that Aria needed a better sleeping schedule and Juliana needed to improve on her listening and sharing skills. Especially since she is 2 years old, she is starting to begin to say some words and understand what the words are starting to mean.
Based on these drawn conclusions my 2nd observation was conducted during Julianas play time, and Aria's nap time, to see if the girls had made any progress since the 1st observation. To show their behaviors while Juliana being awake running around, and Aria sleeping I decided to use the anecdotal form of observation.
Purpose: 6
I planned to conclude my observations by conducting the same