Project Connect
A Message from Our Team
Gantt Chart: Installation of Wi-Fi connections on the 504 and 505 TTC routes
Our Vision - Our Solution
Project Connect aims to enhance the streetcar experience by connecting riders to the world and making the transit more modern.
Train TTC Staff
Key Stakeholders
- Set up Wi-Fi staff training team
- Train integral employees
- Set up Wi-Fi ridership ‘Connect with Us!” team
- Create a strategy to engage riders
Project Connect
"Welcome to the new TTC streetcar experience"
TTC CEO & Chief of Staff
Toronto City Manager
The Mayor
City Councillors
TTC Riders
The Budget
Revenue from selling ad space
Marketing Strategy
- Create partnerships with marketing agencies
- Meet with advertisers
- Schedule in advertisements
- Broadcast advertisements
- Generate the revenue
Meet the Project Team
- Develop strategy
- Implement strategy
- Create marketing committee
- Create marketing teams for posters and electronic marketing
- Set up posters and internet ads
Why Project Connect?
Project Connect
We heard what our customers want...
What is it?
"Being able to work on the go"
- FREE & EASILY accessible WI-FI service for TTC streetcar riders
- Installed on 504 & 505 routes
- Launch date: Sept 9, 2016
"I want to keep up with current events!"