- These two authors worked on The Dial together with the other Transcendentalists in 1840
- Wrote to each other often, Margaret would help Emerson with German and Emerson would share his input on her work
- Emerson and Fuller exchanged ideas of what they thought about the world's problems
Exchange of ideas:
- Together with his wife, Hawthorne spent some time with the Transcendentalists in Concord
- Hawthorne did not completely become a Transcendentalist, but spent a lot of time conversing with Emerson
The Scarlet Letter:
- Emerson talked to Hawthorne about Self-reliance and Hawthorne applied its principles in his book with the character, Pearl
"When a writer calls his work a romance, he wishes to claim a certain latitude...he would not have...assume had he professed to be writing a novel." - N. Hawthorne
Margaret Fuller
Henry David Thoreau
The Dial:
- Combined effort of multiple Transcendentalists such as Fuller, Emerson, Alcott, Sturgis, and Ripley
- A four volume journal, regularly published, focused on the happenings around the world
- Discusses Literature, Philosophy, and Religion
- Mainly had emphasis on Fuller's female audience, stimulated in depth discussions about the arts, literature, and world topics
- Became the foundation for a feminism movement in Providence
Contributions to social reform:
- Encourage women to stand up for their rights
- Influenced Howe and Dall to lead the movement
- Wrote Woman in the Nineteenth Century which spread ideas about women's rights
"looking through the stars to see if I could see God behind them."
Involvement with Transcendentalism:
- Talked about the principles of Transcendentalism through his literary work, Walden
- Emphasized how significant nature is to humans
- Advocated the end of social injustices such as slavery
- Wrote twenty volumes in book, The Journal
- Published Walden and its eighteen chapters in 1847
- Author of A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers
"Civil Disobedience":
- Explains that government systems are corrupt because of the overpowering majority rule
- List the contrasting ways people serve the government
- Talks about his two years living out in the woods
- Reflects upon the difference of liberating life in nature and chaotic civilized life
Fuller and Hawthorne
Encounters in Concord:
- Hawthorne and his wife lived close to Margaret Fuller
- From Emerson's house, Fuller would drop by Hawthorne's to discuss what he is working on
- Fuller and Hawthorne listened to each other's opinions either about their on-going projects or other thoughts
Fuller's Critique on Hawthorne's work:
- Fuller was not a fan of Hawthorne's fiction because of how it opposed some of her beliefs
- However, she respected his opinions and vice versa
Thoreau and Fuller
- Thoreau's book, Walden, and Margaret Fuller's literary work, Summer on the Lakes, combine their ideas in the book Travelogues of Independence
- They condemn humans' tendency to exploit nature for their own personal gains, connecting to the cruel treatment and disrespect of Native Americans
Hawthorne and Emerson
Fuller and Emerson
Works Cited
Nathaniel Hawthorne
Bailey, Alida. "Margaret Fuller Mystery: The Relationship with Nathaniel Hawthorne." Margaret Fuller Bicentennial. N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.
Canada, Mark. "Ralph Waldo Emerson, Transcendentalist Philosopher." N.p., n.d. Web. 03 Dec. 2014.
Richardson, Robert D., Jr. "Transcendental Club." Transcendental Club. N.p., n.d. Web. 04 Dec. 2014.
"Toward the Waste Land: The Theme of the Blithedale Romance." JSTOR. ITHAKA, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2014.
"Transcendentalism of New England." Bookish Relish. Blogger, 29 July 2012. Web. 05 Dec. 2014.
"Travelogues of Independence." JSTOR. ITHAKA, n.d. Web. 5 Dec. 2014.
Emerson's Influence on Thoreau
- Once Thoreau read Emerson's book, he was introduced to the ideas of Transcendentalism and quickly set out to learn more
- Thoreau felt that there would not be enough time to possibly study Emerson's ideas
- The book encourage Thoreau to acquire as much education as possible and become a writer himself
Thoreau's cabin:
- Thoreau spent time living in a cabin he built himself on Emerson's former estate
- The estate's wonderful surrounding nature made an impact on Thoreau's literary work, Walden
Emerson's eulogy:
- Thoreau and Emerson became close friends and shared their works when they were in the Transcendental Club
- Emerson spoke at Thoreau's funeral and commented on the author's passion for his work, his eagerness to find meaning, and his devotion to the beauty of nature
The Blithedale Romance:
- Hawthorne reflects on his time in the Brook Farm, Parker's grogshop, and his experimentations
- A melodramatic literature work talking about a withdrawn observer and a person's quick fall in midst of success
Involvement with Transcendentalism:
- Listened in on the discussions of Trascendentalists
- Was not fully committed to the idea, but was willing to put Transcendentalism and its components to the test
- Wrote possible scenarios if a person truly live by the priniciples of Transcendentalism
Transcendental Club
Ralph Waldo Emerson
- Organized in 1836
- Formed in Concord, small village in New England
- Concord was rich with library resources and nature
- Members: Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller, Channing, Bronson Alcott, Orestes Brownson, and others
- Was formed because of the lack of intellectual discussions at Harvard and Cambridge
- Emerson's idea of Self-Reliance was used to shape the character of Pearl in The Scarlet Letter
- In the middle of the 1800's The Dial made people contemplate about conforming to society's ideals
- Both Thoreau and Emerson shaped how Emily Dickinson thought about the pursuit of the truth written in her literary works
- focused on an individual's realization and acknowledgement of own opinions and ability
- believed in the significance of being one with nature
- practiced not conforming to society's rules, but behaving with individualistic endeavors
Involvement with Transcendentalism:
- Used his knowledge in psychology, religion, and literature to help establish the Transcendental Club
- His 1500 essays influenced many writers during his time
- Made authors reflect upon the ideas of transcendentalism and either agree or disagree with its principles
- Published the book, Nature, in 1836
- Worked with Margaret Fuller to publish The Dial
- Wrote a series of Essays during the 1850's
- Published "Self-Reliance" and "The American Scholar"
collaboration with/influence upon other Transcendentalist figures--can use arrow features in Prezi to show connections:
Janielle Chris C. Torregosa