Geography: Interactions Between People and the Environment
What is it?
- Identify the effect of people on the physcial systems within a community (Grades 3-5)
- Describe and explain the effects of people on the physical systems within regions (Grade 6)
- Identify the effect of the physical systems on people within a community (Grades 3-4)
- Describe and explain the effects fo the physical systems on people within regions (Grade 5-6)
Big Ideas
- The actions of humans are directly related to the health of their environments
- Abuse and overuse of natural resources will eventually lead to serious problems
As far as my lesson...
- the reading of "The Lorax" will stimulate brain activity and get students tuned in to the purpose of the lesson
- will perhaps develop a sense of responsibility and discourage them from abusing mother earth
Essential Questions
- What makes up an environment?
- How can we fix destruction we have already caused? And how can we avoid it?
In their individual groups, students will discuss the effects of the once-ler on the land of the Lorax.
And on each Truffula leaf the students will explain how they would have done things differently if they had been the Once-ler.