Murray-Darling Basin ENVIRONMENT
why are floods important to the M.D.B. wildlife and vegetation
The natural floods help provide water for the inland animals and plants. If the natural floods stop, many plants and animals will die of thirst. Animals and plants have also adapted their lifestyle to the natural floods. If they were to cease, animals and plants would die because there lifestyle would instantly change in a deadly way thus killing many animals and plants. If you climb Everest without an oxygen pack, you will get used to little air but it is still dangerous. if you do use an oxygen pack, but it stops working, you will die because your body has no time to adapt. This is an example of adaptation.
why are wetlands important
Wetlands are important to the M.D.B. because the animal and plant life have adapted to the constant wet and dry phases of the wetlands. If the wetland floods were to reduce, many animals and plants would die and they would need to re-adapt. Wetlands are productive ecosystems that provide the necessary floods that provide water for the native plants and animals. The floods also give opportunities for crops and livestock.
Compare the likely level of biodiversity in agricultural regions with that in undisturbed regions of the m.d.b
what is an ecosystem?
The M.D.B. is home to over 2,000 native plants. Half of the M.D.B. is covered in native vegetation in which 45% of native vegetation is in national parks. A quarter of the vegetation is considered endangered and in agricultural regions. Only 30% of the original amount of vegetation is there. In some areas there is only 10% left of the original vegetation.
Identify two positive and two negative consequences of this management on the m.d.b
An ecosystem is a way of living for every living organism in the world (animals, humans, etc...)
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Outline the focus of water management since european settlement of the M.D.B
One positive is that if it work over a long period of time, it will get better, also it helps the plants grow. One negative is human activity has greatly damaged the M.D.B., also the river has decreased in water level over the years due to human activity.
what are macroinverterbrates? Why are they important?
The focus of the European settlers was to share the water and to give people the right amount of water to protect and replenish the environment. The focus is not succeeding because the human have taken to much water and have caused irrigation salinity and much, much more.
1)How many wetlands are in the M.D.B
Macroinveretebrates are animals that do not have a spine that can be seen by the naked eye. Macroinveretebrates are important because they eat all the nutrients and turn it into better nutrients.
There are over 30,000 wetlands in M.D.B.