Here is the mouth
this is where it all starts.
Here is the nose
it is warm,moist, and i can...
feel all the cilia
these help me a lot...
I am now at the
pharynx this is near the voice...
box, or the larynx.
I have now reached the
trachea. This is the tube that...
is next to the long
esophagus. It carries air.
I have reached the
bronchi. Here is where the O2....
coming in is sent to
each lung
I have reached the
bronchial. Here is where...
air "tubes" support
the pulmonary in giving air
coming in is sent to
each lung
We have reached the
bloodstream going from the...
lungs to the heart the
pulmonary veins will take the.
oxygenated blood to
your heart.
I am at the heart now!
after passing thought the...
atrium and ventricle.
after I was pushed out
of the heart I began going...
where I can see
capillaries and arteries.
I am going thought out
the body now until I reach my...
final destination
where I start over again.
While I am inside the
cells all sugar (glucose) is...
broken down into two
moluclues: CO2+H20 while this is...
happening APT is made
and then used for cells!
Journey of an Oxygen Molecule
By : Bhargav Bogadala