Celebration Time
Enjoy your freedom!!
Step 2
Step 2: Show more Attitude when the person tries to talk to you
- Don't Worry what the other person will think
- Give them the cold shoulder
Step 1
Step 5
- Step 1: first ask yourself if the person is really worth ignoring
Step 5: make it a big deal
- Say if they don't leave you alone then you will consider it harrasment
- remember people make mistakes everyone has those day
- Dont ignore just to make a point
Next up on list
Step 3: Avoid them in school
- avoid them in the hallways
- never make eye contact with the person
Step 4
How to ignore someone at school
Step 4: Be direct ith them
- Tell them you need a break
- Talk about the situation
By: Dillon Webb, Sebatian Newkirk