To protect themselves, Luke has sprinkled seeds around the vampire and placed a knotted net on his chest. In the melee that ensues, Lowell becomes a vampire and Dracula breaks free from his bindings. First, Dracula bites off Eric's face. Then he turns on Luke and Liz. Luke reminds him that he must untie all the knots, but Dracula tosses down a knot free net. [Already done!] Luke reminds him that he must count all the seeds, and Dracula replies, "47,812." Luke tosses a bucket of seeds at him and challenges, "Count these!" Before the seeds even hit the ground, Dracula says, "737,818." When one more seed falls from the basket, Dracula amends his count to "...19." -Synopsis of Dracula II: Ascension (2003 Video)
Throwing salt over the shoulders.....ward off the devil and vamps.
The Legend of Vampires
History of Arithmomania
Arithmomania Arithmetic
Vampire Tales
What are Vampires?
Main Idea
According to legend (in other words, history), a vampire is actually an evil spirit that lurks around a graveyard trying to sneak into someone’s grave. When it succeeds, it enters into the dead body, rising from the coffin at night to feed on blood.
Read more: The Legend of Vampires
The stories about vampires have been around for hundreds of years. They come from countries in Eastern Europe like Austria and Serbia… where some people really do have sharp teeth! Back in the 1700s, many people were hunted like witches... especially those who rebelled against religion. They were considered to be vampires.
Read more: The Legend of Vampires
Old folklore from Eastern Europe suggests that many vampires suffered from a form of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder , being fascinated with counting. Millet or poppy seeds were placed on the ground at the grave site of a presumed vampire, in order to keep the vampire occupied all night counting. Chinese myths about vampires also state that if a vampire comes across a sack of rice, s/he will have to count all of the grains. Aside from the Muppet character of Count von Count on television's Sesame Street and a fifth season episode of the X-Files titled Bad Blood , this characteristic seems to have largely disappeared from popular culture.
Arithmomania is the obsessive need to count things, and has a little-known, but deeply rooted, presence in vampire tales.
A interesting disorder that all folklore vampires are plagued with is something called Arithmomania. That means that they are completely obsessed with counting any and all objects. That's how when weird tradition - to spread poppy seeds or rice around someone's grave when they died - got started. Any vampires that came along would become so obsessed with counting the tiny objects, they'd totally forget about trying to sneak into the coffin and invade the body!
Read more: The Legend of Vampires
As one of the stars of Sesame Street, jolly vampire Count von Count has been teaching children how to count for over 40 years. His obsession with counting harks back to traditional legends which state that vampires suffer from Arithmomania, a variant of OCD which causes sufferers to fixate on numbers.