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bell hooks
Womanism: born form the exclusion of black feminists in the white-centric 'mainstream' feminism. Whlist focusing on the unique experiences, struggles and needs of women of colour. It also critically addresses the dynamics of the conflictbetween the mainstream feminist and the Black feminist movement.
Malala Yousafzai
Western societies can be cis and heteronormative, and this is also present in some feminist thinking. There has been some engagement with re-thinking women’s gender roles and sexuality within the 2nd and 3rd waves but thought is often binarist or focusses on lesbianism.
Current thinking however is leaning towards an open and multifaceted view of multiple/non-binary genders and polysexualities.
Cultural Appropriation:
Fetishisation & exoticisation of women of colour
White western beauty standards imposed upon WOC
Colonialisation – trickle-down effect of exportation of western culture upon previously colonized countries.
privilege is the set of unearned advantages a person receives for some trait that they possess or are perceived to possess
Having particular privileges leads to having more space in society in order to be heard and listened to.
Previous mainstream feminist movements have come from a predominantly middle class point of view, and thus not accommodating for class based issues
such as:
access to education,
sex work,
working class culture,
gender stereotypes,
Intersectionality is used to describe the ways in which oppressive institutions are interconnected and cannot be examined separately from one another.
It is important when discussing feminism not to assume that all women are white, straight, cisgender, able-bodied, middle class, educated… or anything else.
UEAFS cannot guarantee that this will be a safe space. Please respect others around you and use appropriate language. If at any point you feel uncomfortable and wish to leave, please do so.
Often mainstream feminist thought is contrained within western boundaries i.e. Eurocentric/Americentric. Women living in countries all over the world face different and varied oppressions due to their geography.
Issues such as:
lack of access to education and healthcare,
gendered violence,
Intersectionality teaches us that ALL these issues and more effect the way we are treated in society. You are not effected in isolation by issues, but instead uniquely according to how each oppression intersects.