Wernicke-Geschwind Modell
Paul Broca
- First to discover different functions are assigned to different parts of the brain
- localization of speech function in the left inferior frontal
- Dicovered 'Broca's Area'
- Saved hundreds of human brains in jars of formalin
"The least questioned assumptions are
often the most questionable."
A Brief History
- The Wernicke-Geschwind Modell gives an explanation of the production and comprehesion of language, and an explanation for language difficulties.
- Wernicke started this research, but Geschwind expanded and refined this research.
- Broca must also be mentioned for his research which intertwines with the modell
Time to stimulate your neurons!!!
Norman Geschwind
- Pioneering Behavioral Neurologist
- Best known for models based on lesion analysis
- Expanded on studies done by Carl Wernicke
- Geschwind Syndrome: describes an interictal behavior pattern seen in some temporal lobe epileptics
Wernicke-Geschwind Model
Carl Wernicke
- Found patients with lesions in posterior third of the temporal gyrus lost ability to understand words
- Discovered 'Wernicke's Area'
- Named Aphasia: language deficits resulting from brain-related injuries
- Died from injuries suffered by a bicycling accident