
Prezi AI.




Legal Aspects of Alcohol

Blood Alcohol Consentration (BAC)

Alcohol has different effects at different BAC's, measured in a percentage. For adults, the effects on the body for different BAC's include

  • .02: slowed reaction time, relaxed, warmth
  • .05: euphoric, loss of inhibition/judgment
  • .10: impaired vision, judgment, reflexes
  • .20: blackouts, memory loss, vomiting
  • .40-.50: death from alcohol poisoning

It is illegal to drink and drive. Teens caught with any BAC reading will face juvenile time and a DUI.

Follow the law, punk.

Drinking and Driving


1st offense: License suspension 90-180 days, incarceration of 3-180 days, annual fees up to $2,000 and more if minor is present

2nd offense: License suspension, jail time from one month to one year, annual fees up to $4,000 and more if minor is present

3rd offense: License suspension up to two years, $10,000 fine, 80 hours of community service, up to 10 years in prison

*all goes on permanent record!!!

Long-Term Effects

  • Problems with pancreas, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, and even brain
  • can cause cirrhosis, which is a serious liver disease
  • can cause dementia
  • can cause longterm addiction

Short-Term Effects

  • loss of coordination
  • loss of inhibition
  • slowed reaction time
  • loss of judgment

Thank You!

What plays a role?

Things that play a rule in a person's BAC level include:

  • Age
  • Weight
  • Gender
  • How much one drinks
  • How fast one drinks
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