Camp Noel Porter
My Senior Project
Helping Camp Noel Porter
By: Shelby Larkey
What is Camp Noel Porter?
Images from Camp
- Northern California's Episcopal Diocese Summer Camp
- Accepts everyone
- Located in Tahoe City
- 8 week-long sessions for children ages 6-18
- A great place to get away and make friends!
How Sheldon High School Prepared Me
- Biotech Academy
- Biotech Club Officer
- Group and individual resentations at least once a year
- English Presentations
- Speech Proficiency
Why Camp Needs Help
- Doesn't have enough money to keep it
running AND make improvements
- Enrollment is decreasing
- It could close if no one helps
- It is very important to a lot of people
That concludes my presentation, thank you for your time!
Why do I Want to Help?
Final Product
Nothing is Perfect...
The Project
- My great-great-grandfather founded it
- I have been a camper, counselor, and staff member
- It has taught me many life lessons
- I love that place almost more than my own home
- I know camp needs help and I feel like I can actually make a difference
- Donations
- $400
- 7 Board Games
- 1 Halloween Costume
- 1 Area Rug
- 3 Sets of Sheets
- Church Chior
- Lack of music for songs
- My inibility to sing
- Not enough time to talk with chior
- Procrastination
- The date snuck up on me
Ask For Donations
The Service
- The Service
- Rough start
- Very Stressful for me
- Loads of help from my youth group, pastor, outside mentor, and boss
- Many compliments
- Money
- Arts and Crafts Supplies
- Furniture/Room Accessories
- Halloween Costumes
- Anything!
- A service mirrioring the one held a camp
- Get people excited about camp and realize it is important
- Increase enrollment for this summer