Basics: Functions
Supporting Functions
- Te (extroverted thinking)
- Ni (introverted intuition)
- Se (extroverted sensing)
- Fi (introverted feeling)
- Ni (introverted intuition)
- Te (extroverted thinking)
- Fi (introverted feeling)
- Se (extroverted sensing)
- Imaginative
- Big picture
- Future-oriented
- Abstract
- Good at perspectives
- Intense
- Able to get things done
- Sees what makes sense
- Rational
- Understands groupthink
- Impatient
- Results-oriented
For ENTJs,
Some Te is wasted; No Ni is wasted
For INTJs,
Some Ni is wasted; No Te is wasted
INTJs: Primitive Introverted Emotions
ENTJ: Defined By Extroverted Thinking
- The swan effect
- Working incessantly
- Organizing
- Having dominance
- Unstoppable bulldozer
- Talker
- King of groupthink
- Outward brutality
- Representative
- Appear uncaring
- Embody emotion
- "Walk to the sound of their own drum"
- Don't seek emotional confirmation
- Don't understand others emotions without help
- Theatrics
- Quiet, yet sincere emotion
- Prefer familiar people
- "This is my gun. There are many like it but this one is mine."
"I am a dude other people wanna quote." -ENTJs
"I'm beginning to understand the humans."
INTJ: Defined By Introverted Intuition
INTJs Extroverted Sensing
- Waking dreams
- Big picture, inner vision
- Calm about the present
- Intense
- Inner eye always open, real eyes typically closed
- King of perspective
- Detached, weird
- Insatiable
"My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe." -Stephen Hawking, INTJ
ENTJs: Primitive Extroverted Sensing
- Show-offs
- Decent energy
- Appreciate the outdoors
- Good at appearances
- Enjoy sports
- Energy can match urgency
- Talking used as a defense
- Doesn't get bogged down in the here and now
- Not enough sensing for impressive feats of skill
"I’ll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I’ve been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I’m the top sniper in the entire US armed forces."
An In-depth guide